Limbaugh Basics: The Democrat Party Has Been a Socialist Party for a Long Time
BRETT: Name the story, look at the dynamic that's out there in the news cycle. Everything that is happening today was forecasted by Rush. He really saw it. He forewarned us.
Congrats, Vlad! The Art of the Tweak
BRETT: Vladimir Putin has just signed a law that's gonna leave him ruling Russia into his eighties. Did you see this story?
EIB’s High Note: “Emotional Support Beer” Benefits Operation at Ease
BRETT: Rush always reminded us to "keep the faith." So we have decided to dedicate the last segment of every show to his eternal optimism, humor, and love of country with EIB's High Note.
Share It With Your Friends! Stream the EIB Video Special on Rush
KEN: So many people went to over the Easter holiday and watched the video tribute to Rush. It's a wonderful story, beautifully narrated by Kathryn Limbaugh.
MLB Fell Into the Woke Trap Rush Warned Pro Sports to Push Back Against
KEN: Rush nailed it, and it's a shame that's the last environment, the last arena that has been poisoned by leftist politics.
Rush Knew It, You Knew It: Covid Hype Used to Control Your Behavior
KEN: I printed it out from the CDC. The risk from contaminated surfaces, now they're saying, is much less severe than they first said.