Rush Read the Stitches on the Fastball: Red States Bail Out Blue State Lockdown Losses
TODD: Now, I could make this all complicated. Or I could just say this. Listen here to Rush Limbaugh describe precisely what the left would do under cover of covid.
Limbaugh Truism: Liberals Indoctrinate Through Fear
TODD: I remember listening to Rush talk about never in American history has our response to things been "hide inside."
Rush Realized Trump’s Wall Was the Epitome of Compassion
TODD: One of the best tricks that the left has done is they have cornered the language of compassion.
Classic Rush: The Purpose of Armies Is to Kill People and Break Things
TODD: Here's the Maha himself reminding us of what the purpose of the military actually is.
Caught in a Kafka Trap: Rush Explains Why Conservative Anger Is Never Called Righteous
TODD: Rush describes these phenomena to a T that we're seeing.
EIB High Note: Turning a Negative Into a Positive
TODD: The EIB family knows this, that when Rush lost his hearing, a bunch of people said, "That's it! He can't continue."