Add Adult Beverages to Rush’s Liberal Guilt List
BRETT: They're once again going after your favorite adult beverage, saying it's bad for you, that any amount is harmful to your brain. Back in 2008, Rush talked about the left's guilt list.
Rush Told You Trump Was Tougher on Russia! Biden Green Lights Putin-Merkel Pipeline
BRETT: Rush spoke about this: Trump calling out Merkel's pipeline act with Russia.
Biden Botches Reagan Joke, Scolds Coast Guard for Not Applauding Him
BRETT: He used the same quote that Reagan did in the 1988 address, but he didn't quite get the same reaction.
Useful! Rush Teaches Us the Uselessness of the Hurricane Forecasts
BRETT: This year Colorado State has predicted "an above-average hurricane season," but they don't really know. Rush told us that for years and really drove the point home.
Biden Screws Up the Middle East Progress Trump Made, Day 10
BRETT: Rush talked about this beautifully, the notion of the Middle East peace process and how that Middle East peace process should be working out.
Rush to Biden: Electric Cars Are Powered by… Fossil Fuels
BRETT: Electric cars, the great savior of America. That's the sales pitch being made by Pete Buttigieg, the secretary of transportation and, of course, President Biden.