Column Confirms What I’ve Been Saying About Liberals for Decades
RUSH: I told you I had come across something in the media while I was gone that pretty much confirms almost verbatim things I have said to describe the people on the left. This is a story, a column, a piece, a post, whatever, from, well-known uber-leftist website.
Hollywood: A Special Kind of Stupid
RUSH: I actually think this should become a campaign ad every four years. The woman has just insulted everybody who watches football, which is most people in America. It's the number-one watched show in America, and MMA, it's got its own audience. She may as well throw NASCAR in there because she's talking about you people, too.
The Trump Cabinet Confirmation Hearings Can Bring Aspiration Back
RUSH: It's an opportunity to herald what's possible in the United States of America. It is an opportunity to admire aspiration again. It's an opportunity to promote the aspirational. I am worn out and sick and tired of being told that we are a nation in decline, that we've got to learn to do with less.
My Phone Call from the President-Elect
RUSH: So I get an email, "President-Elect Trump is trying to reach you. Here is the callback number. Could you call back as soon as you can?" I wrote back and said, "Well, I'd love to, but I've got about five holes left to go. I'm in the middle of the golf course. Will he be around in an hour and a half?"
Welcome to Our New Website
RUSH: We're gonna have a quite serious effort in audience outreach that we want to incorporate here in the new, redesigned
The Russians Didn’t Hack the Election!
RUSH: There's literally no evidence that they hacked the election. They might have hacked Podesta, and they might have revealed the truth about the Democrats. They didn't hack the election. I can't believe after two weeks it's still a meme out there. But it is.