Zakaria and Obama Agree: America Wasn’t Ready for a Black President
RUSH: Now, Fareed Zakaria GPS works at CNN, and he’s got a show on Sunday morning called...Optimism for the Trump Boom
RUSH: No, I really mean it. Look, I know I’m going out on a limb saying so because...Obama Lied, People Died
RUSH: This is from ThinkProgress, which is John Podesta’s organization, his website, a...Obama Thinks He’s Advising Trump, While Trump Names Can-Do Cabinet
RUSH: From the New York Post: “Obama is Helping Trump with Cabinet...Hillary Loses Again!
RUSH: Well, you probably heard by now, folks — maybe you haven’t heard by now. ...Guest Host Mark Steyn
“When the media says Donald Trump is a ‘divisive figure,’ they mean he might do some...Trump Cuts Another Deal in the Lobby
RUSH: Here’s Donald Trump. He went back down to the elevators at Trump Tower moments ago...Perot Voter: We’ve Been Waiting for This
RUSH: Punta Gorda, Florida. Mike, great to have you on the program. How are you...The Establishment’s Big Fear: Trump Will Succeed
RUSH: Ryan, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Hi. Great to have you on the EIB...The Blazing Hypocrisy of Algore
RUSH: Algore — and I’m wondering how did this happen. Who called who on...Trump’s Secretary of State Show
RUSH: Let’s talk about Trump and this secretary of state position here. And, as...Trump Takes Calculated Shot at Boeing
RUSH: Let’s now head to the Donald Trump Air Force One tweet. As with most everything that...Law Professor Writes Op-Ed Based on My Comments About Trump and Hamilton
RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number two. You might remember a discussion we had on this...Why Is Trump Seemingly Ignoring Loyalists and Courting His Critics?
RUSH: Trump’s favorability rating is just off the charts. His favorability rating is...This Election Changed Everything
RUSH: What’s that? No, no, no. No doubt in my mind. No, no. The Jill...We’re on Offense with Donald Trump
RUSH: Have you seen those stories yet? If you haven’t, you will, because this is one...Caller Makes Great Points on Your Host, Hillary and Obama’s Stimulus
RUSH: Edward in Atlanta. Thank you for waiting, Edward. Glad to have you on the...Drive-Bys Shocked by Trump Taiwan Call
RUSH: Trump did it, Trump did it on purpose, it was strategic, and it had a reason.