While I Was Away: A Review
RUSH: Let’s review some of it things that happened just while I was gone. I think to put this in...This Is Why You Don’t See Hillary Much
RUSH: I think we’re beginning to see why. Did you see the two episodes of Hillary coughing in...After Summer of Hate, Trump Leads Hillary by Two Points in CNN Poll!
RUSH: It is so good to be back. I cannot tell you how happy I am to be back, and I’ve been...Guest Host Chris Plante
“We want to give a hooah to Jason Lewis, who at one time did sit in for Rush Limbaugh on the...EU Socialism Bites Apple
RUSH: The way the European Union is looking at Apple — the European Union is nothing...My Message to the Players of the NFL
RUSH: You know, it is amazing how coincidence happens. When coincidence happens, it makes...Jeffrey Lord Wants Trump to Propose the Limbaugh Amnesty Plan
RUSH: Last night Jeff Lord is on with Jim Sciutto, and they are discussing one of my ideas, and I...My Response to Colin Kaepernick
RUSH: Colin Kaepernick, the third string quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, everybody’s had...Huma Dumps Danger, Chooses Hillary
RUSH: Did Huma Abedin Weiner really not know she had a deviant taking care of her child?
Upgrade Your iPhone Software Right Now
RUSH: The second thing is, “Rush, should I upgrade to the new Apple software...Democrat Senator’s Daughter Is CEO of Mylan, the Clinton Foundation Supporter That’s Price Gouging on the EpiPen
RUSH: Have you heard about the controversy over the cost of the EpiPen? I bet there’s...Hillary (Who Loved Klansman Robert Byrd) Smears Trump as KKK Candidate
RUSH: Now, Trump, when we had to break away from covering his appearance in Manchester, New...Trump Converts the GOP to Amnesty?
RUSH: Could you imagine what it’s like to be Jeb Bush today? Who knew —...Media Continues to Obsess and Chuckle Over Your Host Simply Reading a Story on Lesbian Farmers
RUSH: Man, oh, man, ladies and gentlemen, now it is getting good. It’s getting good...Liberal Listener: Thanks, El Rushbo
RUSH: We go to St. Louis. Richard, you’re next. Great to have you on the program,...Hillary Tries to Pin Her Illegal Email Server on Colin Powell
RUSH: How about Colin Powell coming back and saying, "They're trying to pin this on me," rather than taking the heat for her? Wow.