Cuomo Collusion Demonstrates Rush Is Right on the Media-Democrat Axis

by Rush Limbaugh - May 21,2021

BRETT: You know, hypocrisy is a standard-issue requirement if you’re somebody on the progressive left. And one of the people who is most on the progressive left or one of the most on the progressive left obviously would be Fredo. That’s right, Chris Cuomo. So it’s cool that Fredo doesn’t apparently believe all women, and actively attempted to undermine them, right?

Well, no doubt you’ve heard the reporting in these last hours, CNN admitting that Chris Cuomo inappropriately provided his brother (the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo) advice on sexual harassment. Now, before you go thinking, “Oh, they had a couple of phone calls. He was on the phone with him saying, ‘Hey, if I were in your shoes, I would do this or I would do this,'” No, no, no, no, no.

Chris Cuomo was actually on conference call with the governor’s political staff advising the governor’s political staff on the ways to handle the accusations of sexual improprieties to be “diplomatic.” Now, of course, “CNN’s Chris Cuomo Faces No Consequences After Colluding To Cover Up Brother’s Scandals.” That’s what The Federalist writes.

“Chris repeatedly ran interference for his brother in the early months of the pandemic by joking around on live television and refusing to ask him questions about the rising nursing home death toll that resulted from the governor’s deadly policy. The anchor repeatedly brought his brother on his show during the peak of the governor’s response to COVID-19 in 2020, but now claims any further coverage of the family member would be a conflict of interest,” right?

Former CNN media reporter, now NBC and MSNBC reporter Dylan Byers chimed in on Twitter to explain (summarized), “CNN’s not going to drop their piece of the Cuomo coaction because they have just renewed his contract.” So he’s safe. Everything’s looking good. Everything’s looking solid. Well, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo took part in a series of these strategy calls — that didn’t cross the line — with his brother and his brother’s staff on how the governor should respond to misconduct allegations? Come on. Well, how was it that Chris Cuomo explained it? He explained it like this.

FREDO: It was a mistake because I put my colleagues here, who I believe are the best in the business, in a bad spot. And I am sorry for that. I’ve never tried to influence this network’s coverage of my brother. In fact, I’ve been walled off from it. This is a unique and difficult situation, and that’s okay.

I know where the line is. I can respect it and still be there for my family, which I must. I have to do that. I love my brother. I love my family. I love my job. And I love and respect my colleagues here at CNN. And again, to them I am truly sorry. You know who I am. You know what I’m about. And I want this to be said in public.

BRETT: Now, if you didn’t anything wrong, why would you apologize? Oh, I know. You set the line. You can move the line here. You can move the line there. You know, Rush was asked, “Are the Democrats an arm of the media?”

RUSH: Mike, Columbia, South Carolina. Welcome to the EIB Network, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. Thanks for taking my call.

RUSH: Yes, sir.

CALLER: But heavens to Murgatroyd, would you please help me make up my mind? Let me explain. Over the years, you’ve repeatedly said — and I always nod my head in agreement — that the “alphabet” Drive-By Media is the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.

RUSH: Mmm-hmm.

CALLER: But I believe I heard you say in your opening segment that that role is actually reversed, that the Democrat politicians are merely the placeholders and the executors of the agenda, that the media is actually the one that’s setting. So who’s the tail and who’s the dog?

RUSH: I actually think that that may be true. I have revised my thinking on that in just the past two to three weeks. I’m considering the structure, that it is the Democrats that are an arm of the media, not that the media is an arm of the Democrats. In other words, the foundational base of the progressive movement is in the nationwide media.

The Democrat Party are the elected hacks who enforce and introduce politically and legislatively — and oppose the things that the Republicans put forth — in a political sense. But the constant, always-there of progressivism and liberalism is the media. And that the Democrat Party itself is an extension of that, as opposed to the media being an extension of the Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party lost the presidential election, and the Democrat has been losing elections since 2010. The media hasn’t lost anything. Well, that’s not true, the media, they’re losing viewers and advertisers and so forth, but they haven’t acquiesced to that change. They haven’t subjected themselves to it. They are the… I think they are the fuel. They provide the backup and the energy and the support for the Democrats to do what they do. Look, it may be six of one, a half dozen of the other when you get right down to it. Why does it matter to you? Why is it such an important thing to you?

CALLER: Well, it kind of struck me. I’m willing to entertain that change, but, you know, another thing that you’re always pointing out — especially with your montages — is that the media always seems to be so coordinated.

RUSH: Mmm-hmm.

CALLER: They use the same words, the same phrases. They pursue or don’t pursue the same stories. Historically we’ve just thought, “Well, you know, the Democrats are feeding them those talking points, and that’s the direction that they go.” But if it’s the media that’s actually formulating and pushing the agenda for the Democrats and and others in the establishment, then who’s running the media? How can they be so coordinated, unless… I mean, they’re not just all getting together. Something or someone…?

RUSH: They don’t, this is the thing. I guess… You know, in my never-ending quest to explain the left to people — and, folks, I’m gonna be doing this until my last day here. It’s a never-ending quest, believe me. My mind changes over the years on certain things that I believe, as I learn more about it. But my point is there doesn’t have to be coordination because they’re all of similar mind-set. In terms of coordinating the term “gravitas” or “looks bad,” much of that is taught in journalism school. But they have their own private chat rooms.

Journalists have their own private chat rooms where they get together and chat with each other about just these kinds of things. It could well be that they’re gathered in a bar after work consuming adult beverages and one of them happens to come up with a phrase. And they all like it and they all start using it and it spreads. But the point is they’re all so like-minded, they’re all so identical, it doesn’t take coordination.

So I don’t think a whole lot of coordination is required because there’s not that much diversity of thought in this group of people. You don’t have competing intellectual arguments inside the left. You either have acceptance or heresy. And if you’re a heretic, they throw you out. They treat you like a member of the opposition, and you’re done for. These people have it all covered, folks. Because this is not just a movement; it is a way of life. It is a religion.

BRETT: In another time, I was privy enough to do an internship at CBS News back in the very early nineties, and we had access to all these different people, high-profile people that would came in and talk to college students about journalism and communications and things like that. And one of the people that came by on the very last week that we were there was Mike Wallace.

And he had a room of about a hundred people there, and he asked for a survey among the students that were there to hear from him. And he said, “How many of you are getting degrees in mass communications or journalism?” Well, 95% of the room raised their hands, and he said, “That’s unfortunate. To be a great reporter or a journalist, you should know stuff about biology, math, science, the law, those sorts of things.”

He said, “I can teach you how to be a journalist. I can teach you how to do stories and do reporting in about three months, but you shouldn’t go to school to get a degree in that. You should go and get knowledge so that you can then understand how to convey that to people. Conveying it to people is a huge, important thing.”

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