Caught in a Kafka Trap: Rush Explains Why Conservative Anger Is Never Called Righteous

by Rush Limbaugh - May 13,2021

TODD: So a member of the EIB family, Dean Karayanis who’s known as Koko Jr. is, A, a writer, also has a history podcast, the History Author Show on iHeartRadio, has a piece in the Washington Times that gives me an excuse to talk about Kafka Trapping and then we get to top this off with Rush reminding us that the left never find frustration or anger from people on the political right to be anything but disorder and wrong and out of order and dangerous.

Whereas anger from the left? Well, that’s purely understandable. It comes from the goodness, the warmth and gold of the human heart! So Dean makes a great comparison, and the headline is “Capitals and Rangers’ Blood on the Ice Tells Cold Truth About Justice — Let’s hope official Washington hears the scorn being heaped on their hometown Capitals for forward Tom Wilson’s beatdown of two New York Rangers players.

“I have no skate to grind against the Caps,” he writes, “but this sad episode has the potential to teach us about cries of foul play across the political spectrum. The lesson is as clear as freshly Zamboni’d ice: When people feel they’re denied justice, they’ll take the law into their own hands, and the whole culture suffers. That you or I might not see a particular play or court ruling as dirty doesn’t matter.

“There are always troublemakers eager to sing Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song; it’s them we must squelch.” This is the key piece. He’s writing about an incident of violence that, even in hockey terms, was bad. “The Wilson incident occurred on May 3, when he punched Rangers’ winger Pavel Buchnevich in the back of the skull while he lay defenseless. Next, he dragged Artemi ‘The Breadman’ Panarin down by the hair and slammed his face into the ice.

Dean writes, “It was a berserker rage worthy of Wolverine — the X-Man inspired, incidentally, by Dr. Hook, a goon from the 1977 Paul Newman classic Slap Shot.” He’s talking about justice denied turning into vigilantism on the ice. This is what the left has done that has led to violence from the right. I don’t excuse people making because decisions. I don’t excuse people saying, “Hey, let’s break into the Capitol!”

I also don’t ignore that there were leftist agitators there. I don’t ignore that at all. More to my point — and, perhaps, to Dean’s concern — is this is continuing, this disparate treatment. There are people who are accused of breaking into the Capitol in solitary confinement in D.C. and only Lizzie Warren and I think Bernie Sanders will speak out against this solitary confinement.

Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter agitators and terrorists continue to do whatever they want to do whenever they want to do it to whomever they want to do it! People see this, they see this disparity in justice, and it rightly angers them. We are to be one nation under God. We are to have laws for everybody, that apply to everybody.

But we see already there’s a different law for Rudy Giuliani than there are for Hillary Clinton. They never went and searched her home! There’s this thing called Kafka Trapping. I learned about this from my friends who have a great Facebook page that tracks the homeless industrial complex in big West Coast cities. It’s called Safe Seattle.

Kafka Trapping is where your enemy makes you so angry, that when you finally act out they step back and go, “(Gasp)! Ohhh! That’s dangerous rage. Where did that came from?” Kafka Trapping. Rush explained to us that in the eyesight of the party, the anger of jihadists and domestic terrorists is always justified, that emotion is only dangerous when conservatives are angry.

RUSH: I’m getting a little tired of everybody in the establishment, everybody in the media talking about how anger is the driving force of this, as though it is a disqualifier. As though the anger that is propelling this election makes the results illegitimate. Let me throw something at you here on this. I think the anger is totally understandable. I think it’s called for.

But how come when some downtrodden group in America, when the gay lobby is mad, we’re supposed to take time out and understand the rage and learn from it. When Saudi Islamists hijack three airplanes and crash them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and another Washington target, why do we take out and say, “Gee, why do they hate us? What have we done to make them so mad?” And then we’re told we must not react irrationally here. We must try to understand their rage.

Why? Because it’s our fault, we’re told. Something that we did as a nation. The State Department had seminars after 9/11: What did we do to make them hate us? But you notice in this anger it’s directed where? It’s directed at the Washington establishment. Is Washington establishment ever saying, “We need to pause. We need to have a time-out. We need to find out why they’re so mad at us. What have we done wrong?” Wouldn’t that be the consistent thing? Except that’s not the case.

In the case of the anger on the Republican side propelling this primary season, everybody is saying it’s irrational, it’s kooky, it’s irresponsible, it’s insane. Nobody is saying, “Hey, why are they mad? What did we do to make them so mad? Maybe we need a seminar or two over here at some lobbyist’s office to figure out why they’re so mad at us.”

Why is the anger propelling the primary vote automatically disqualified as unhinged, and yet the anger of terrorists blowing us to smithereens — the anger of illegal immigrants breaking our laws to get in the country, the anger of every minority group ticked off at basically being unhappy in life — we’re supposed to stop, we’re supposed to understand the rage, we’re supposed to learn from it. And what we’re supposed to learn from it is that it’s our fault. Okay, well, turn that right around on the Republican and the entire Washington establishment.

Why don’t you people take a little time-out; instead of mischaracterizing the anger, why don’t you follow your own guidelines and try to learn from it? Why don’t you try to ask yourself what have you done made everybody so mad? Folks, don’t let ’em do this to you. They’re trying to make you think that you are a wacko. Some of you may be, but not because of your anger. Do not let them convince you that there’s something wrong with you because your emotions are at a feverish pitch in this campaign.

They ought to be. Well, I mean, in a large room of people you’re gonna have a certain percentage of them who are gonna be kooks, and most kooks actually don’t know who they are. If they did, they wouldn’t be doing what they’re doing, right? It’s important in policy, in dealing with these various (big sigh) things.

TODD: So, Rush describes these phenomena to a T that we’re seeing — and this is, I think, Dean’s column, this great piece in the Washington Times that you’ll be able to find it at RushLimbaugh.com. The party, the left, the technocrats, the mockingbird media, intend to continue this disparate treatment. And every time there is a response from someone not on the left, not in the party, they intend to go, “(Gasp)! The danger. We need to fence off the entire Capitol forevermore because of the danger of the right.”

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