Rush Shouts Out the Highly Overrated EIB Staff

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 30,2021

BRETT: It is my favorite time of the program. The EIB High Note. It really is. I love the EIB High Note. It’s a throwback to Team EIB today, which Rush often referred to as “the highly overrated staff,” endearingly, of course — and of which I am a proud member. Now, we put together a montage of mentions, and you’ll even hear me in there.

RUSH: Once again, once again, my highly over-rated staff has let me down, not telling me that today is a worldwide holiday. (02/15/08) Welcome to the studio, Mr. Krehley. I didn’t see you slither in there. The EIB Network now has an Official Obama Criticizer, he is Bo Snerdley. I got Cookie working on the soundbite even now. You might be confusing Cookie with Koko. Koko is married to Cookie. Koko runs the website. Koko is the gorilla at the TV Show that now runs the website. He’s the webmaster.

(08/01/08) If you haven’t done so yet you’ve gotta go to RushLimbaugh.com. You’ve not seen anything like this. It is indescribable. I would not do it justice trying to describe this. But the web team has been working on this for months, and it is stunning. (09/09/13) The video is actually taken from the control room. What you see is the back of the broadcast engineer’s head, Brian Johnson, which is as close to fame as Brian says he wants to get.

(09/09/13) That was Greg Chapin’s idea back in the cave there where these guys put these bites together after Cookie cracks the whip and tells them what to do. So what we’ve done, Joe Muniz, on our staff, has recorded all of what I said in espanol. Maimone, the broadcast engineer, had a different idea. (07/08/11) I just sent the picture up to Koko Junior whose, whose actual name is Dean Karayanis.

(08/01/17) My security guy Josef Stalin. (07/05/11) Kraig Kitchin from our staff. (10/27/15) Kit Carson, former irreplaceable Chief of Staff and trusted right hand. (11/02/11) Diana Schneider, Editrix of the Limbaugh Letter. Again, I don’t want to spend any time today Mr. Winterble, on legal marijuana, illegal marijuana, it’s happened before on this program.

(06/11/12) Dawn, are you irritated by this? You don’t like this? I thought I detected a facial expression. Dawn transcribes calls to this program, she’s sitting in there and her face getting contorted and so forth. And I knew it. I knew it. (08/03/18) I wanted to issue a special thanks to the — I call them highly overrated staff, they may be, but they’re incredibly valuable. They’re incredibly loyal. They are incredibly committed. And they are exceptionally, exceptionally devoted, and none of this could happen without them.

BRETT: And none of it would happen without Rush. It was an incredible time with him, and he was just absolutely the best.

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