Caller: Getting Through to Rush on the Phone Was the Best Day of My Life

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 27,2021

BRETT: Amy in Hilton Head, South Carolina, next. Amy, welcome to the program.

CALLER: Hey, Brett, how you doing?

BRETT: Doing great. Thank you.

CALLER: Good. So my first shout out is WBT in Charlotte. I was there for over 20 years, and it was the best station ever, and I just am proud and excited that you’re on Rush Limbaugh’s show.

BRETT: Thank you.

CALLER: I also wanted to tell you that I got through to Rush last year and it was like the greatest day of my life. So I was excited. My husband heard me, my dad heard me, it was just a really great thing, and I’m so glad I had gotten through finally before — before he parted ways.

And I just wanted to also mention that the moms down here in the Hilton Head-Bluffton, South Carolina, area are getting rallied up. The lady from Georgia really inspired everybody for the no masks-on-our-kids mandates, and I just want to do a shout-out to them. And if people are looking or interested, there’s South Carolina no-mask-for-our-kids stuff out there. So everybody get on board and help ’em out, because they’re not getting very far with the town councils and stuff. They’re not giving them very much time.

BRETT: Well, this is the challenge. Thank you for the call, Amy, and the very kind words about the station. I’m so happy you were able to get on with Rush. I know it meant so much to him to talk to as many of the people out there in this audience who meant so much to him throughout his entire career. It was immeasurable, what the callers meant to him, and I can attest to that personally.

Look, we never know where that spark is going to go that’s going to begin a call for change, and that’s what’s different about the left and the right. The left is a top-down operation. The right is much more organic, and you have people taking stands, and they attract more and more people to be a part of what that is, and it’s important to understand that. Great call, Amy. Great to talk to you.

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