The Audience Weighs in on Race Relations in America

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 21,2021

TODD: Paul in Baxter, Minnesota. Paul, you’re on the Rush Limbaugh program. Todd Herman, your guide host. Glad you called, Paul. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, thanks, Todd. I’m ex-military and retired law enforcement a few years ago, and I still have several friends that either are in the process of leaving or have already left. And, you know, the two main conversations that we would have were, number one, about the attrition. It used to be you’d have a thousand applications for maybe 50 spots, and now you’re lucky to get a dozen or so.

So, the type of people that they’re getting in, you know, are questionable at best. So, you know, when the ranks and file have emptied out and the less-than-desirable have filled them, what kind of police force do you think you’re gonna have? The second one was, you know, we did a lot of soul-searching and asked ourselves, you know, the only way to enforce any kind of tyranny throughout history is either law enforcement or the military.

You know, ’cause they’re the ones with the power and the guns. So we asked ourselves, you know, which side are we gonna come down on, the Constitution or just following orders so we can keep our job? And that’s the conversation we had. And we’ve decided, we’re not gonna be put in that position altogether. So you have people leaving for a host of reasons, but those are the two most common things that we discussed.

TODD: It’s interesting. I have a friend named Kevin who’s a cop in Washington state and he said many of the things you’ve said which is there’s a new wave of officers coming up after the retired military and the good cops are chased out, shamed out, threatened out, fatigued out by allowing BLM and Antifa to run wild. And the new era of cops don’t know the Constitution ’cause they never taught it.

They don’t know our laws ’cause they were never taught the laws. They’ve been taught, “You’ll do what you’re told, people will do what you’re told,” and so you see things. For instance, in Canada you see 200 cops surround the church because the pastor is preaching in the era of covid. You see cops in Canada now, they can check you on the street.

They can walk up to you and say, “Why’d you leave your house?” Right? Now, that’s Canada, that’s not yet here, but this is what my friend Kevin has said. Also, all his predictions about what would be learned about Mr. Floyd, all of them came true — and Kevin said it was horrible, a terrible thing to watch. And I’m gonna predict that Mr. Floyd died of a drug overdose with excited delirium.

And every cop I talked to who has made predictions about this predicted the evidence that would follow. So I want you to know we appreciate your service, both in the military and as a LEO and we thank you for the call. Thank you very much, Paul, and to your brothers and sisters, please tell them we get that most people, the vast majority of cops strap it on because they are the thin blue line, and we love them for that.


TODD: Let’s talks to Max in Arlington, Texas. You’re on the Rush Limbaugh program, Todd Herman, your guide host. I’m the be glad you called, Max, welcome.

CALLER: I’m pretty far to the right politically so I hope — if you don’t want me to do it, I won’t.

TODD: No, I want you to do it.

CALLER: Okay. Well —

TODD: Hi, Max. This is just Todd Herman on Rush’s show. That’s it. Just —

CALLER: So I had — I had a customer come — so I just wanted to — I just want a couple comments. I got to catch the earlier part of the show and then missed some; so my comments might be a little outdated. One thing, couple things about the whole cop situation. You know, I think every single one of us every day now should go out of our way to thank a cop every time we see ’em for coming to work this day. You know, ’cause he no longer has the support of the courts.

TODD: Amen.

CALLER: And that’s really — that’s really sad. I admire the heck out of them and I’m so grateful to them. The other thing is, do the bad guys really want the cops off streets? ‘Cause there’s a whole lot of good old boys out there with guns that are not constrained by the same rules the cops are. Are you serious? If that makes sense.

TODD: I understand what you’re saying.

CALLER: What —

TODD: Yeah, I understand what you’re saying. Yep.

CALLER: Yeah. And my last comment was simply about the woman that was interviewed earlier on the streets from where you played a piece of it that racism is written into the Constitution. That — you know, that’s on them to prove. I mean, innocent ’til proven guilty. Has she even read the Constitution? And then I thought, you know what? They find racism in Dr. Seuss. So I guess we can’t be surprised by anything.

TODD: Ha-ha. They’ll go to the — you know, the three-fifths compromise, they’ll go to that. And you can say, okay, that was racism. You can also say, yes, it was a perversion to call anybody three-fifths of a human being. You speak back to the same party that says a baby just born but with a toe inside the mother is not human. Therefore you can go ahead then, you know, eliminate the baby, but that’s not infanticide. But you would also point out historically that the people who argued to end slavery knew that inserting that was in fact creating the pathway to end it and, therefore, the United States became the second major country to end that perversion of slavery.

At the same time as you have Democrats in this country empowering, literally empowering modern-day slavers who bring people over in — traffic people across our southern border. It’s — those are not nice people. They’re not doing that for charity or for freedom. People come over here indentured to them sometimes.

This is a literal happening in our country that they empower. They empower cities to help people be held in about to come of drugs under the boot of heroin and meth and fentanyl, the things that I think I personally believe led to George Floyd’s death. That’s my belief, but I wasn’t in the jury room. Let’s talk to Dave in Logan, Utah. Dave, you’re on the Rush Limbaugh program, Todd Herman, your guide host. Glad you called, Dave. Hi.

CALLER: Thanks. Glad to talk to you, guide host Todd Herman. Hey, I have a question. Well, first of all, mega dittos to you, and mega celestial dittos to our friend, Rush Limbaugh. I’ve been listening to him —

TODD: Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Only Rush gets dittos. Just say hello to the guide host.

CALLER: Dittos to Rush.

TODD: Yes. Thank you. All right.

CALLER: Hey. So I have a question. I mean, we’re constantly hearing about things that the Democrats say and do, like Maxine Waters, right, interjecting herself in Minneapolis politics when she’s in California. Nancy Pelosi, you know, also interjecting herself into these things. I’m wondering your thoughts are on what — at what point have the Democrats gone too far and will start to be held accountable for their actions? Is there a point that — is there a line that they can cross?

Because I pray every day to my father in heaven that those people who are trying to tear down this nation will be exposed and they’ll be either they’ll have a change of heart and stop doing that or they’ll be removed from office. I’m wondering if you think that there’s a point when they’ll cross a line and they will be held accountable for their actions?

TODD: Well, listen. I want to be fair. I do want to be fair. So it has happened. The past president, immediate past president of Planned Parenthood was run out of her position because she had insisted that only women can get pregnant. So that was — I mean, right there, that’s unspeakable, that you would — that you would communicate that sort of bigotry that only women can become pregnant. So she was sent packing. So there are instances where they hold themselves accountable. There was — there was a Democrat in eastern state who was not yet ahead to admit that because she’s white she’s racist, and it took a struggle session, you know, for her to have a — a critical race theory struggle session.

But presented with the opportunity to never again work in teaching and to lose her pension and to be labeled a racist, she just magically saw the light and said, “Oh, I just didn’t realize that I’m racist because I just have never felt that.” So it does happen. I get your point, Dave. Thanks for calling Rush’s program.


TODD: Chris from Orlando, Florida, joins us. Chris had some thoughts about that. Chris, welcome to Rush’s show. It’s Todd Herman, your guide host this week.

CALLER: Todd, thank you very much. I really appreciate taking my call, and it has always been a goal of mine to have spoken with Rush. I never got to do that in person. But it seems like every day when these clips come on that he’s still talking to me. I was in and out of my vehicle, and I came in just in the middle of that clip that you were playing about Rush commenting on how we’re not a racist country.

It was just like it was out of yesterday’s headlines that he was talking about this kind of thing. And I think it’s what’s the great — one of the great — things about his timelessness is he’ll be around for decades to come just because he was so insightful and knowing how to read the seams on a fastball, like he said, and tell us what’s going on and how to learn and think for ourselves. I just really appreciated that.

TODD: Well, I appreciate you sharing that. And, by the way, the thanks is to the team, Team EIB. There are so many folks, I can’t name them all, who go through the work of finding this in 30 years of these archives. I just ask people to think so critically about something. This is not a hard thing.

There are people who don’t like fat people. There are people who don’t like tall people. There are people who don’t like people with red hair. There are… I used to have… I hate this. I hate this about myself. I developed a prejudice against people with Southern accents because my mom was married to a guy who was a lunatic and happened to have a Southern accent, and I’ve cleansed myself of that.

I now love Southern accents. We can all fall into this. Of all the human failings — because we’re human, because we’re fallen, we have these failings — the left focuses on this one because there is such pain to it, and they can maximize it, and they’ve increased this, that race relations got worse after Obama’s first term. Rush talked about that. It was almost immediate.

Let us remember our hearts and our experiences, all races, right? All races, by the way, God said, “Hey, I like this color and that color and this and this is good and these are all my children.” Let us remember our daily observations and never be drawn into this just typhoon of hatred they’re trying to build. Great call, Chris. Let’s talk to Marv in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Welcome to Rush’s show. Canada? Canada? Wait. We take calls from Canadians? Marv, you made it across the border. Welcome, my brother, from Canada. Hi. You’re on Rush’s show.

CALLER: Thank you very much for taking the call. I’ll trying to be as brief as possible. There’s, you know, a million stories I can tell you, but I’ll just give you a brief synopsis. I’m 63. I’ve lived in the United States and central Massachusetts north of the Connecticut line. I lived there for five years. I left when it was no longer legal for me to stay.

My children were not able to get the visas that they needed, and so we moved back to Canada. We did not want to be illegal in the state. When I was a skinny teenager, I lived close to the border and was aware of the racial conflict that was going on in the Detroit area in the late sixties and early sevenths.

And talked to my dad about the protests that were going, and this was the hippie era. And my dad said the problem with the attitude of people that are protesting against the establishment is they’ve got no solution. He said, “Make sure that if you want to protest, protest with an idea of something better, not just because you want to protest.”

So I’ve never been involved in a protest, because it doesn’t serve much of a purpose for me, and my dad also told me — and sadly, my dad just died a few weeks ago. But my dad also told me, he said, “When it comes to police, they’re the people in charge. They have got a job to do, and their job is to keep the peace.

“So when you have an interaction with a cop, you shut up, you do what they say, and you don’t cause trouble.” So I was a 17-year-old kid driving through Michigan on my way to Chicago. I got pulled over in Kalamazoo, and the first thing that I did as a white, skinny 17-year-old was open up my window and hang both of my hands outside the door. That made the cop feel as ease.

TODD: Yeah.

CALLER: We had a great interaction. He wrote me the ticket, and everything was fine. But I have… I’m not perfect. But I have a NEXUS card because I’ve never been arrested. I’ve never been detained.

TODD: Yeah.

CALLER: Have I done stupid things? Yes. Could I have been arrested for things that I’ve done? Yes. But the simple fact of the matter is, if a policeman asked me to do something, I comply. And I wasn’t in trouble. And I do not believe — and you will have a renegade cop who’s a jerk. Right. But you also have renegade doctors and renegade —

TODD: Exactly. This is our human failing. This goes to our human failing conversation, Marv. It goes to show, the left chooses the human failings they want to poke at and prod at and they want to cause pain for because the pain serves them. And I get what you’re saying about that. I like the fact that you decided to be a legal Canadian versus an illegal resident of America.

Thank you for the call, Marv. Appreciate that very much. And I also want to point this out, ’cause Marv just made me think of this. I got a text this morning from a friend who is a cop and a Marine and I mentioned earlier, I’d asked them, “Can I tell your story to Rush’s audience?” and I have to anonymize this. He’s a cop in a West Coast city. He’s a black cop. He’s a Marine.

He’s married to a white women. He was in one of the cities where Antifa was burning thing down — and I mean, seriously burning things down. I’d give you details but would give the city away and he doesn’t want me to do that. During those riots, people brought their kids, and they said to the cops, “You see this generation of children?

“They’re the ones who are going to hate you. We’re teaching them the truth about you. You’re all racists. You’re all Nazis. These are the ones who are gonna want to see you in war crimes trials.” One of these so-called dads with his kid at that event parading his kid around, was a white kid yelling at my friend, the black cop, calling him racial names, making fun of his nose.

Next Monday, out of uniform, my friend showed up at Starbucks. The young man worked there behind the counter. My friend said, “Oh, I remember you,” and the kid just about, well, wet himself. He stepped back from the register goes, “No, no, no. No one’s gonna get hurt. I just wondered. You want to go outside and have a talk about race? No violence. Just a talk about race.”

The kid disappeared in the back room.

I do hope that kid felt absolute shame.


TODD: Let’s talk to Chris in Oklahoma. Chris, you’re on the Rush Limbaugh program. Todd Herman, your guide host. Glad you called, Chris. I’ve never been to Oklahoma. It’s one of three states to which I’ve never been. Welcome.

CALLER: You ought to come down here. It’s great, Todd. First of all, obviously, prayers and thoughts out to the Limbaugh family. The nation lost a huge part of its moral heart and soul when we lost Rush.

TODD: Well said, and indeed, thank you.

CALLER: Absolutely. And thank you for all you’re doing filling in. Yeah, I just called. I’m actually responding to something I heard on Hannity yesterday. A young lady called, and Sean kept asking her about, “Is it okay to throw rocks and bricks and Molotov cocktails?” and she kept saying, “Well, you know, people are gonna do what they’re gonna do,” and then he asked, “Well, should we defund the police?” She said, “Yeah, we should just restart the whole thing from the ground up. Defund them. Start over.”

TODD: Yeah.

CALLER: I mean, do people really not realize what that means? ‘Cause if people are gonna do what they’re gonna do, I mean, what stops me from going my neighbor’s house just breaking in, taking the TV. You know, I’m lonely; there’s a pretty girl. I’m gonna go molest her. You know, I’m gonna hold ’em down and beat ’em up and take their wallet.

What stops that is our laws. And, you know, the policemen and women that enforce those laws, not everybody is great. And we ought to understand that as a nation. Not every cop is bad just like not every black person is a criminal. You know, there are people that are criminals no matter what color, race, religion, what job you do, you know, and there are people that are just evil like you’ve been talking about.

Inherently just, in their soul, they’re evil, and I don’t think Derek Chauvin was necessarily evil, but I do believe that he overstepped his bounds. You know, I mean, you know, regardless of what happened to Mr. Floyd in his past, on that day he was restrained, he didn’t need the knee on the neck. I don’t know whether it caused his death or not.

I’m not sure. But I also hold the people that are sitting there filming responsible. As a citizen, it’s your duty to stop an act of violence against another person. Whether it’s a police officer or not! “Well, I would have shot or tased.” Well, tough titty, you know? I mean, excuse me my language, but, you know —

TODD: So you would have rushed the cops personally?

CALLER: I would have certainly… I would have got him off his neck. I’m a combat Army veteran, 10th Mountain Division. I served from 2004 to 2007 in combat. I’ve been in since 2000 to 2010. But, you know, just like I was telling the producer that answered the phone, you know, walking around Afghanistan in 2003 and Kandahar, let me tell you something. It wasn’t friendly. But we didn’t shoot everybody we saw that looked suspicious.

TODD: Right.

CALLER: I believe that cops these days since 2010 are a little bit of afraid of their job. Maybe they’re joining the police force to get that participation trophy that this generation’s grown up getting and get the rewards, you know.

TODD: Yeah, with respect to your service, A, welcome home. Welcome home. I mean that. B, I didn’t find the motive from the prosecution in the Chauvin case. I certainly didn’t hear about Chauvin’s racism. Like you, here’s what I wish would have happened. Let’s fill up our hands with wishes and go shopping together, and we’ll buy nothing.

I wish Chauvin had said, “Does someone have a bottle of water for this man? He’s burning up. Can we get some water?” I wish Chauvin had been on the radio saying, “Hey, could we…? Where is the ambulance? This man says he can’t breathe,” and I’m not ready to go to where you’re at with that in terms of rushing the cops.

I might have had said, “Is it okay if I bring water? Can I bring some water? Or is there any EMT? Can I do…? Can I do anything? Officer, is there any way I can help that man?” My buddies the cops have said, “Look, you have a crowd of people who have been traumatized by the media to believe all cops are murderous racists, all of them. So you’re gonna be eyes on the crowd.

“You’re gonna be eyes up, right, because you want to make sure that you see who’s coming for you. Because, look, in the West Coast you have cops hit in the back of the head with baseball bats by the sons (or allegedly by the sons) of elected officials. You have that. You have cops sealed in trailers, and they attempt to burn it down, and the media there doesn’t care.”

So I think cops are right to have head on a swivel and not look away from a crowd. It is a complicated thing, and it’s also been made worse because people want it this bad. Thank you for the phone call, Chris. I will come to Oklahoma one day. Mickey in East Strasbourg, Pennsylvania. We’ve got about a minute and a half together, Mickey. So glad you called. Welcome to Rush’s show.

CALLER: Hi, Todd! Thanks very much for taking my call. To start off, I gotta thank you for helping to maintain Rush’s legacy. It’s a great thing. It’s influenced a lot of people, myself included. So it’s good to see that. I’m calling in regard to a call you had earlier from the fellow up in Canada who was talking about following what the cops tell you to do. It occurred to me that what needs to be taught now in schools is actually a class on compliance so that people have some sort of guidelines as to what their social responsibility is in terms of responding to police.

TODD: It is a great idea. I’m gonna give you a true-or-false question, Mickey. True or false: “In cities like Chicago and Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York, the government schools teach kids how to resist cops.”

CALLER: They’re not gonna learn.

TODD: No, no. No, no. I’m not saying that. I’m saying true or false: They teach kids how to resist cops?

CALLER: Well, I think so.

TODD: You know what? Your instincts are right. They do. They teach kids how to say “no.” They teach kids how to be protesters. They teach kids how to be agitators. And they teach the kids about what they are to agitate. And here’s the message. It’s the same message the jury got: “You’re going to convict on all charges, or we are going to burn this building down.”

To the kids in grade school, they are saying, “You are going to get on our side, or you know all these bullying techniques we’re teaching you? You’ll be on the other side of that.” That’s what they’re teaching kids. And that stuff, man, that’ll stick in you ’cause, you know what? Being threatened with getting beaten up or killed, that will rattle some folks. I appreciate the phone call, Mickey.


TODD: Let’s talk to Chad in Ocala, Florida. Chad, you’re on the Rush Limbaugh program. Todd Herman, your guide host this week. Glad you called, Chad. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, how’s it going?

TODD: Fantastic. Thank you.

CALLER: Good to be on. I’ve been trying to call for a while. I was just calling because you had a veteran on the line, a war veteran. And he struck upon something I’d been wanting to bring up for a while. You know, I try to call now and then on and off for about a year now. God bless Rush. I tried to make it back when he was on the air. But I’m glad to make it through.

Anyhow, you asked him a question about police brutality, and he had a great point that I’ve been wondering if military vets have all shared. Me, myself, I’m a convicted felon a few times over. I should be on what you would call the spectrum, probably the other side of a law enforcement sympathizer.

But I actually, you know, I see police forces as the same standard as the armed forces when you take the oath to lay down your life to protect your country, but it seems when it comes to the police force, they seem to value their own life over the people there are serving to protect.

So, I mean, you see them shooting people’s dogs. They shoot before asking questions. You know, they completely have no valor or courage in comparison to the armed forces that were in Iraq, walking through Kandahar and all these other places.

TODD: So Chad, Chad, this is a lot to unpack. A, I get to work with people who are recovering from committing felonies and trying to do what I can to help people sort of, you know, regain some fruitfulness in their life. And I’m not saying you don’t have that. I just want to ask you a question. How many people…? Yes. How many people live in the United States of America?

CALLER: I think it was… Is it 330 million, something like that?

TODD: Yep. So if there were, let’s say, on a given day 1% of us and who have contact with cops, how many people would that be?

CALLER: What is that, 3,300, 33,000?

TODD: Let’s see, you’ve got 10% of 330 million would be 33 million people.

CALLER: A small amount, yeah.

TODD: That’s 3.3 million people. So have you…? You know what? I saw this viral video — maybe you’ve seen this — of this cop who pulls this guy over and then he says, “Can I see your driver’s license and registration?” and the dude gives him his driver’s license and registration and the cop says, “Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot to ask for your proof of insurance,” and the guy gives him his proof of insurance.

And then, Chad, the cop goes back to his car, you know, and the guy’s sitting there, and you can see in the camera he’s sitting there and then the cop walks back up and the cop pulls out this piece of paper. And he says, “Hey, signing this is not an admission of guilt. It simply is an acknowledgment that I’ve handed you the ticket. Would you please sign here on the back?

“There are some instructions on how you can challenge this ticket in a court of law and if you so choose you can have me come and testify and I’ll have to do that. So you can sign here,” and then the driver reaches over and he pulls out his own pen, and he signs it, and says, “Okay, thanks. I appreciate it. Stay safe. Have a good day.” Did you see that video?

CALLER: I believe I have. He had everything in order for that stock, he had all his ducks in a row. I did see that video.

TODD: So, you know what? I would just say this, brother. That’s not the stuff that makes the news, and it’s also not the newsworthy somehow when folks turn their lives around, even with a couple felonies. It is always the human-interest story. How many folks actually get out and turn that around? So I’m sensing from you, you know, some anger and frustration about some cops, brother. I don’t think… Do you really mean all cops?

CALLER: No, no. Not at all.

TODD: Yeah.

CALLER: See, that’s part of my intro to unpack. Sorry I unloaded so much. I’ve been in those confrontations. I’ve served time in prison.

TODD: Yeah.

CALLER: I’ve been arrested, been in high-risk circumstances, weapons drawn, dogs out. I’m lucky to have made it through that. I wasn’t attacking anyone. I wasn’t, you know (crosstalk)

TODD: We’re so short on time, but when you complied, you lived, right? You lived.


TODD: I’m glad you did. I’m sorry that we got short on time. I kind of screwed up and didn’t give you enough voice. Chad, I hope that life really offers you a lot of fruit. I’m so glad that you got through and I’m so glad that you lived, brother. I am. Lots to live for. God has a plan for you. Thank you for calling Rush’s show, Chad.

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