Huge See, I Told You So: The Russia-Taliban Bounty Story Is Fake News

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 19,2021

TODD: You saw… (laughing) I don’t know if you went rushing straight to RushLimbaugh.com for the archives. I did. The news that the bounty on American troops that the Russians were paying to the Taliban? That’s been outed. Shocker. I know you’re stunned. “What? The mockingbird media members, they… they lied to us? No! I — I can’t believe it. They did.” (laughing)

The amount of time they spent on this story was monumental, and I remember Rush analyzing this and myself on my radio show saying, “Wait. So you’re saying the Taliban only kill Americans because the Russians pay them?” Rush saw this in a completely different way. Now, do this. Try to remove yourself from being a lifelong lover of this program.

Just consider this as an observer. The archives of Rush Limbaugh’s work are literally more accurate sources of news than the entire daily regurgitations of the mockingbird media. If you doubt that, listen here as Rush told all of us that this Russian bounty story was a hoax.

RUSH: Now, this Taliban story. Folks, I’m gonna go out on a limb here. I really think this so-called news about Russia offering to pay the Taliban — you know, this bounty story out there that Trump says he didn’t know anything about. I really think that… There’s nothing in the news media that’s true anymore. You have to constantly remember this. There’s nothing that’s true.

You cannot rely on the first take of anything you see in the Washington Post, New York Times, thus CNN, and so I don’t. And my suspicion is aroused at every one of these stories that has supposedly bombshell, end-of-the-road news for Trump. So this news about Russia offering to pay the Taliban a bounty? I think it’s a leak. I think it comes from Democrat political operatives to hurt Trump.

In fact, I wouldn’t suspect… What’s this news doing out here now? None of these figures are in the news. I think this news goes way, way back to March. They didn’t want this news to be buried by the coronavirus news when it was new, and the shutdown was new, and the lockdown was new, ’cause this doesn’t make any sense at all.

Now Pelosi is right back at it. If there is any doubt now, Pelosi is using this fake story to revive the Russia conspiracy story again, the theories that the Trump campaign “meddled in the election,” that Trump is “an agent” of Putin. She’s using this to say, “Trump says he didn’t know anything about it. He said he didn’t know anything about it.”

So if Putin wants to pay a bounty for killing American soldiers and Trump looks the other way, this fits right in with the fact that they will not give up on this meddling and conspiracy story. She said she didn’t believe Trump’s denial that he was briefed on the plot. Instead, he wasn’t briefed. She said she believed that Russia is blackmailing Trump. (impression) “This is as bad as it gets.

“And yet the president will not confront the Russians on this score. Denies being briefed.” She added, “With him, all roads lead to Putin.” They won’t give this up! This whole thing, this whole bounty story that he says he knew nothing about, I’m sure it’s a leak from Democrat operatives — with the willing participation the Drive-By Media — to carry forth this coup attempt.

This entire Taliban bounty-paying, Trump ignoring it, not knowing about it — he’s a traitor, he’s being blackmailed — is fake news! It’s all made up! It’s got everything the Democrats need to continue their coup. It’s got the Taliban; it’s got Russia. It’s got the U.K. involved — which is heavily involved in the effort to get rid of Trump, their intelligence communities were.

It probably is a fake intelligence report, just like the golden showers story, all these prostitutes who Trump hired to urinate on a bed because Obama and Michelle (My Belle) Obama had slept on it in Moscow. Now, unlike the Obama Regime, the adults in the Trump administration don’t brief the president on unverified intelligence.

TODD: There it is! Literally the archives of America’s Anchorman are more accurate than the news from the mockingbirds.

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