Another Listener Shares How He Discovered Rush

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 9,2021

BRETT: Brad is in Panama City, Florida. Brad, what’s on your mind today?

CALLER: Great job filling in, man. Hey, I just wanted to share my listening experience with Rush, and also suggest an idea. It started back when digital radio first came out. I had to show my boss how to get to AM on his radio.


CALLER: That way he could listen to Rush Limbaugh. And I asked him, I said, “Why do you want to listen to that blowhard?”


CALLER: And he said, “Once you understand politics, you’ll start listening too.” So I’ve been listening to Rush since the early nineties — and, God, do I miss him.

BRETT: Yeah.

CALLER: But here’s a suggestion, ’cause there’s never been a graduate from the EIB Network.

BRETT: Right.

CALLER: What about we develop some diplomas and make all of us graduates, and let us pay for ’em.

BRETT: No, no, no! We can’t do that. No, no, Brad! Brad, there are no graduates from the EIB. No, no, no, no, no. We will never do that. We can’t do that. Great call, though.

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