
Rush Limbaugh

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JASON: Now, imagine that just, say — oh, I don’t know — in the city of Miami, for instance, there was chaos over the weekend. Just imagine that for a moment. Right? And imagine that the chaos in Miami (ahem) destroyed $500 million worth of a structure, of business. Can you imagine if 1500 buildings were damaged or torched or destroyed? Can you imagine would they turn the local AutoZone into a war zone?

Imagine in the city of Miami this weekend that, let’s say, they — I don’t know — overtook the 3rd Precinct and the city council and the mayor said, “Go ahead and take it.” Imagine if that set off a radical attorney general that was threatening rodeos and law-abiding businesses were violating covid lockdowns while they let the uncontrolled rioters, looters, arsonists destroy $500 million worth of business, 1500 buildings, and torch what they didn’t like at ground zero.

Imagine if news crews were told they couldn’t go down there and report; it was too dangerous. Now imagine it wasn’t Miami because it wasn’t. What I described to you was Minnesota, where I live, in May of last year. Isn’t that amazing that that seems to be dead right now? Nobody’s talking about BLM, Antifa, Indivisible. They’re responsible for what went on destroying the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, which we still haven’t recovered from, not even close.

Yet the media is gaga over the spring breakers in Miami and Miami Beach. Now, Miami has problems with this every year called Urban Weekend. They have a problem, a gathering of spring breakers or anybody. It’s historically been a problem. But the media is trying to prove that, “Oh, gosh, the lack of covid restrictions is just wreaking chaos in Miami.”

No, the governor [of Florida] called in the Guard. It took Governor Tim Walz and Mayor Jacob Frey and Melvin Carter four days to call in the Guard when Minneapolis was being torched, north and south, and Frogtown and University Avenue, you name it. It was total chaos in Minnesota. A public building was not just overtaken. It was handed over to the people.

Folks, this is… This is crazy stuff. Think about this. While the Democrat authorities in Minnesota last summer were neglecting their first duty to keep us safe, they were locking down law-abiding citizens. You want to know what’s wrong with Democrats today? There you have it. We’ve gotta get back to what makes us special and what sets us party apart. Here’s what Rush had to say about that.

RUSH: I’ll tell you how it happened, folks. There are many elements to it. To me, it’s a great question. I think it’s a question that nobody or very few people in this country ever ask themselves. You’re born here, you take it for granted, you accept that America is what it is. To the extent that you have traveled, you do see the differences, the plus side differences in America. But if you haven’t traveled much around the world, you assume everything is not nearly as bad around the world as it is.

You don’t really have the full-fledged appreciation, and if you’re not taught much history, then you really don’t ask, “Gosh, how did this happen? Europe, Asia, been around thousands of years. They should be light years ahead of us in every measure. But they’re not. Why?” Well, John Adams said, paraphrasing, “We’ve written a document here that’s for a moral and religious people.” We don’t have a document that can handle people who aren’t. He knew full well that people lived outside the realm of religion and morality were going to present problems. The Constitution was a problem to them. That’s one element.

The other element is that our founding documents establish our origins, created with certain inalienable rights by God, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. And the great thing about this country is there have been assaults on it from within, and it’s always survived, and it’s always come back. It came back from the Great Depression, came back from World War I, we survived Jimmy Carter, and it’s going to be a little tougher to survive this because we’ve never had this large an assault on the foundation of this country ever. This makes what FDR did look like chump change.

The people of this country have been able to use their talents, their entrepreneurial skills because of the acknowledgment, the origins of freedom, that our freedom does not come from whoever we elect, that whoever we elect is a threat to that freedom, that men do not grant freedom to other men, men can only imprison and take freedom away from other men. Women, too, but I’m using it in a general sense. No other country has a Constitution like ours. No other country was founded like ours. That’s why I continually focus on it, it’s the founding principles that are under assault here and being overturned, and America’s greatness as we’ve known it is threatened. And that’s why to me it’s worth fighting for.

JASON: Boy, amen to that.


JASON: Let me tell you something, folks. All of this starts with fear — a false fear, but fear nonetheless. Randolph Bourne, who was an anti-war activist before Wilson’s war, World War I (the Great War, before we start numbering them), said, “War is the health of the state.” When the government can get people scared, they can do anything, whether it’s climate change, war, or in this case covid. And then they assume the power. And it’s very, very scary. And it starts with education. And here’s what Rush had to say about that.

RUSH: I’ll tell you how it happened, folks. There are many elements to it. To me, it’s a great question. I think it’s a question that nobody or very few people in this country ever ask themselves. You’re born here, you take it for granted, you accept that America is what it is. To the extent that you have traveled, you do see the differences, the plus side differences in America. But if you haven’t traveled much around the world, you assume everything is not nearly as bad around the world as it is.

You don’t really have the full-fledged appreciation, and if you’re not taught much history, then you really don’t ask, “Gosh, how did this happen? Europe, Asia, been around thousands of years. They should be light years ahead of us in every measure. But they’re not. Why?” Well, John Adams said, paraphrasing, “We’ve written a document here that’s for a moral and religious people.” We don’t have a document that can handle people who aren’t. He knew full well that people lived outside the realm of religion and morality were going to present problems. The Constitution was a problem to them. That’s one element.

The other element is that our founding documents establish our origins, created with certain inalienable rights by God, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. And the great thing about this country is there have been assaults on it from within, and it’s always survived, and it’s always come back. It came back from the Great Depression, came back from World War I, we survived Jimmy Carter, and it’s going to be a little tougher to survive this because we’ve never had this large an assault on the foundation of this country ever. This makes what FDR did look like chump change.

The people of this country have been able to use their talents, their entrepreneurial skills because of the acknowledgment, the origins of freedom, that our freedom does not come from whoever we elect, that whoever we elect is a threat to that freedom, that men do not grant freedom to other men, men can only imprison and take freedom away from other men. Women, too, but I’m using it in a general sense. No other country has a Constitution like ours. No other country was founded like ours. That’s why I continually focus on it, it’s the founding principles that are under assault here and being overturned, and America’s greatness as we’ve known it is threatened. And that’s why to me it’s worth fighting for.

JASON: Okay. I’m Jason Lewis in today on EIB.

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