Never Forget This Call with a JFK-Era Democrat

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 8,2021

TODD: Here’s an example of when the left and right shared some common ground and we were able to debate ideas.

RUSH: Here’s Dave in rural Iowa. Thank you for taking the call, sir. It’s great to have you here.

CALLER: I’m a Democrat. I voted Democratic. I live in a Republican state. And there’s not too many Democrats that I know, but I know a few. And we’re not and I’m not especially the mean, deceitful, vicious person that the other Democrats seem to be or that you describe them as. I don’t like President Trump, but I don’t want to see him harmed in any way. And when the Senate voted to impeach him, I was just — I thought that was just terrible. And when Pelosi tore his speech I look at that was the most rude thing anybody could do.

RUSH: It was an impeachment without a crime.

CALLER: Well, you know, I’ll be honest with you. I listen to you every day, and you kept saying they did not have any proof. And I honestly, honest — the Democrats. And I honestly thought they were holding a wild card and they were just gonna spring it at any moment to incriminate Trump. And they didn’t. Nothing happened.

RUSH: Why do you think that was?

CALLER: Because there’s some — some of those that are just deceitful, vicious people. I’m not. I’m a pizzas loving man.

RUSH: No, I mean you said you kept waiting for them to spring the wild card news and that they didn’t do it, nothing happened. I said, why didn’t —

CALLER: They didn’t have it.

RUSH: No. There you go. So they were lying about having it. They lied —

CALLER: Yeah, they were lying about it.

RUSH: — whistleblower, they lied about all of that. I know how hard it is to be a Democrat. I couldn’t do what you’re doing.

CALLER: I’m not — let me explain a little. I’m not an extreme liberal. I cannot support my marriage, and I’m pro-life, and I can’t support transgender bathroom rights and things like that. I just can’t support ’em.

RUSH: So what is it that makes you a Democrat? Because that’s really — you’ve just nailed down over half of the agenda in all this cultural stuff is — that’s mandated, you support that to be a — what is it the Democrats support that you agree with?

CALLER: Well, I describe myself, even though I was just a kid when he was president, I can describe myself as a Jimmy Carter Democrat. ‘Cause you know, he wouldn’t support — he was not pro-choice or he would not support — you know, he was a Sunday schoolteacher.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: You know —

RUSH: Lasted one term too.

CALLER: Well, yeah. Yeah, he did. He did. But I describe myself that way, as believing more in the grassroots beliefs that the Democratic Party used to have.

RUSH: Yeah. You know, this is fascinating. I’m real — Dave, I am glad you called. This — folks, never forget this call. Dave here — and I don’t mean — Dave, I’m not trying to be funny or insulting or anything in my description here. You have listened, you have just heard probably JFK-era Democrat, maybe even softer than that, and you would have to describe Dave as Jurassic Park Democrat. There aren’t many like him anymore, but there are some, and they remain Democrats for whatever reason. Party loyalty is a strong pull. It’s a strong thing. But you heard him. He doesn’t support or agree with any of the cultural agenda. And it’s that agenda that the Democrats are using to bludgeon people in this country with their woke and cancel cultural and all this.

If you don’t sign onto that stuff they’re gonna come out and dox you and they’re gonna come out and do everything they can to destroy you and humiliate you. But there used to be — remember when I say or have said that there was a time where Republicans and Democrats had some things in common? Among them, wanting prosperity, wanting a better economic life for your kids than you had, wanting to maximize the opportunities that America provided and offered, that we just had different philosophies about how to achieve these things? Dave is a Democrat from that era. We would have had a lot in common, but he would have still been a Democrat. He believes in Western civilization. He believes in the distinctly profound American culture, which is unique to the world, Western civilization. And people like Dave were Democrats with whom we could have disagreements and debates.

You know, I would tell him that I think the best way to achieve what you want for your kids and prosperity and so forth is capitalism, you know, free market economics. And he might think, “No, we need the government running the show. The government’s the only government can make it fair.” But the end of the day you vote. If you win the election, fine. If you lose the election, feign. You come back and fight the next time. You keep arguing, you keep debate, keep trying to persuade. Today’s the Democrat Party is interested in none of that. They’re not interested in persuading anybody, and they resent having to.

They want to wipe out all opposition. They want just eliminate everybody disagrees with them. They’re not interested in having to win debates, having to win elections. All of that is stuff that they resent and want to do away with. So days where we had things in common as Americans, Dave is from that era, a Democrat from that era. There aren’t very many of them left, but there are those Democrats out there. Why he doesn’t switch, I don’t know. But I’ll guarantee you it has to do with party loyalty somewhere in his life.

TODD: And that’s what the Democrats have done and the left has done is they will punish, psychologically punish, people like that man, that you — you don’t want to be a Trumpster, do you? You don’t want to be one of the bad guys, do you? You don’t want to be one of the oppressors, do you?

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