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KEN: Let’s go to Judy in Springfield, Missouri.


KEN: Hi, Judy.

CALLER: Hello!

KEN: You’re on the EIB Network.

CALLER: Hi, Ken.

KEN: Hi.

CALLER: Well, there’s many stories about Rush, how he’s inspired us and how he still inspires us. But where did Rush get his inspiration? The story I’m gonna tell you about is about his family and his grandpa Limbaugh that was an attorney. When our son was… I think it was about 1990. He was 18 years old, and he was in college out of state, and he said, “Mom, Rush is saying that it’s his grandpa’s birthday, and he’s gonna be gone for a couple days ago. Let’s go to Cape Girardeau.” You know, that was his I think spring break. Anyway, I said, “Yeah, you know, it’s just an hour and a half away. Let’s head on over there.” So we headed on over to Cape Girardeau, and had the address for him so we drove up to the house. The housekeeper answered the door, Grandpa’s, and he talked with the housekeeper. “Grandpa was in the background, and he said tell that young man to come on in.” Our son was a stranger to him, but he had him to come on in. Our son stayed there and listened to Grandpa for over an hour. I mean, he talked.

KEN: (whistles)

CALLER: It was amazing. He said, “Mom, he talked about the Lord, the family, the country, conservatism, values, what makes the United States great.” I said, “Can you imagine Rush, David, and all the grandkids hearing all of that for all their life? Our son was amazed. He said, “Mom, this man is brilliant.” So, you know, I hope… You know, our son now is a dean at a college right now. So hopefully he’s passing this on to other young people. But I’m saying, you know, that was such a day. And when he was getting ready to leave, he said, “I thank you, Mr. Limbaugh, for having me and talking with me for so long.” And he said, “Why don’t you go on over to Millie’s house?” I think that’s Rush’s mom —

KEN: (laughing)

CALLER: — Millie was ready for it. You know, she knew this young kid, this 18-year-old boy was coming over, you know, and —

KEN: Oh. Wow.

CALLER: My husband was a coach. Actually, he was Rush’s PE teacher and he was Stephen’s kids’ teachers so I knew all the streets. I won’t o say the street, but he said the street. “Oh, my Sunday schoolteacher lives right down the street. I know where Millie is.” So we went down there, and he had a great time with Millie too — and I won’t go into all the things that she said.

KEN: Well —

CALLER: It was really great. It was such a wonderful day. But I’m saying, grandparents, you leave a legacy for your grandchildren. And what grandpa Limbaugh did there, I’m sure Rush stood at his feet for all of them.

KEN: Yeah.

CALLER: You know, Rush, Stephen, David, I don’t even know all of the names but —

KEN: Your son was able to step into the shoes of Rush Limbaugh and live a piece of that. That is such a great story, and the fact that he’s a dean of a college now, you said? That’s amazing.

CALLER: Yes. Yes, he’s one of the deans, a conservative dean. And, you know, and for Grandpa not… I mean, if some 18-year-old came to my door and wanted to come in (chuckling), I don’t think I’d invite anybody in. You know, course now with the stuff going on I wouldn’t. But, you know, he said, “Tell that young man to come in.” He had the insight, you know, and all the things he talked about, he said, “Mom, Mr. Limbaugh is brilliant.”

KEN: Yep.

CALLER: So that’s where Rush learned a lot of his brilliance.

KEN: Yeah. It is.

CALLER: You know, that’s from one of many the people. But we just learned a little bitty bit of it.

KEN: Blessing upon blessing. You know, I was wondering, when he went back to class and everybody was talking about spring break, you know, “Spring break, dude.” And it’s like, “Where’d you go? I went here, oh, yeah, we were partying. What’d you do?” “I was hanging out with Rush’s grandpa. We were talking about how great America is.” That’s the real story right there. That is a great conservative story. “Where you going for spring break?” “Rush’s grandparents’ house.”

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