Rush Warned Us: The Obama Crowd Is Back Running Foreign Policy

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 24,2021

TODD: The Democrats have — Barack Obiden has — nominated William Burns to run the CIA. Who is Billy Burns? William Burns was one of the negotiators who decided so ship hundreds of millions of dollars to Iran illegally overnight in foreign currency on pallets in illegal shipment. It wasn’t just illegal ’cause it’s a ransom payment.

The reason they sent cash is they were not allowed to have a banking relationship (laughing) with Iran, a document that Obama had to sign multiple times. They want to bring this guy back, and this is business as usual for the establishment. Rush Limbaugh spoke about how establishment Democrats treat the enemies of this country.

RUSH: The president before Donald Trump was Barack Obama. And what did Barack Obama do to make deals with our enemies? Why, he gave them (laughing) nuclear power! He enabled them to make nuclear weapon weapons, and when that wasn’t enough, Obama delivered $150 billion of cash on pallets to the Tehran International Airport for the mullahs to come and sweep up and take back to their palace.

What did Kim Jong-un get? He didn’t get in on that action. Can you imagine Kim Jong-un thinking, “If I would have just tried to do this to Obama, look at how I could have profited! What might I have been able to get out of Obama that the Iranians did? Instead, I did a deal with Trump, and all I’ve got to show for it is a video demonstrating how there might someday be condos on my beaches.”

It’s a funny thing to ponder.

And make no mistake: Kim Jong-un saw what Obama did for the Iranians, and he’s gotta be kicking himself that he didn’t try to get in on some of that action. Timing is everything, as they always say. Trump made that point in his interview. He did Stephanopoulos first today. And Stephanopoulos said something along the lines (paraphrasing), “Well, now, you did a deal with this guy, and you’re constantly critical of the Iran deal, it’s a very low bar ’cause it was a bad deal.”

Trump said, “Hell, yes, it’s a bad deal. We got this deal out of North Korea without having to deliver $150 billion to their airport.” And of course Stephanopoulos was just speechless. In the meantime, Obama giving them $150 billion and enabling a nuclear weapons program. Does that matter? Hell, no! What matters is Obama’s style, and he was glib, and he was well spoken, and he came off as intelligent, and that’s all we care about is the style, the surface.

Contrast that with a bunch of Chihuahuas nipping at Trump’s ankles ever since this deal was signed last night. And I still maintain that they were shocked by it. I really think these people are so lost in their criticism of Trump that they literally believe all of it now. You know, all this stuff they’ve made up — Trump’s an idiot, Trump is dangerous — they believe it. They don’t think it’s possible for him to succeed, despite the fact he’s succeeding week after week after week right in front of them.

TODD: So, this is what’s coming back. They want to put the guy back in charge who negotiated, “No, no. We’ll bring ’em cash on pallets. We’ll bring you cash.” That’s not negotiation. That’s paying off terrorists.

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