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MARK: I said at the top of the show that we are going to have a very special show for you on Monday, and it is going to be one you will not want to miss. Rush’s beloved Kathryn will join us to take your calls and to answer your questions about Rush. As you know, he had two great loves in his life.

One was you, going back a third of a century now, and the other took a little longer to find, but he did in the end find the perfect lifelong love in Kathryn, and Kathryn Limbaugh will be here on Monday to take your calls. You will not want to miss that.


MARK: On Monday, we will have a very special show for you.

Don’t miss this. This is appointment radio. You will have the opportunity to ask Rush’s beloved Kathryn, the great love of his life, a few questions that maybe the rest of us can’t answer, not necessarily about the radio show and all the rest of it, but maybe what Rush was like when he was off the airwaves, things that only Kathryn will know.

She has been so generous, as you know, from that first terrible announcement at the top of Wednesday’s show. In the midst of all her grief. Kathryn is a grieving widow, and no different from any other grieving widow, except that she has to share her grief with tens of millions of people in Rush’s great extended family across this land.

And I’m sure that does not make what happened in the early hours of Wednesday morning any easier. I would imagine that it makes it, in fact, an awful lot more difficult. But Kathryn has been tremendously gracious and courageous and generous, and she will be here on Monday morning, and you will have the opportunity to call Kathryn.


MARK: The news two days ago was stunning. You know, Rush’s beloved grandfather, the patriarch, the judge, Rush Limbaugh Sr. lived to the age of 104.

And you know, when that happens it’s generally about genes and genetics. And I thought, “You know, Rush must have some pretty fantastic genes, and who knows? It’s entirely possible he could be on the air at 87, 93, 102,” and it wasn’t to be. It wasn’t to be.

But as this weekend goes, mourn Rush, but rejoice in a great American life well lived. And please join us on Monday when the love of Rush’s too-short life, Kathryn, is going to be here to take your calls and remember Rush in her own way. That starts on Monday, midday Eastern. Please be here with Kathryn Limbaugh.

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