
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

RUSH: Rush Limbaugh, talent on loan from God-d.

By the way, a little point of clarification. I said, “Yes, I have rounded second base. I’m still rounding second base and can see third base. I’m not chugging into third base yet.” Don’t misunderstand. We’ve got a baseball metaphor going here to help explain the progress on my treatment. So the baseball metaphor worked. Everybody can understand it. So, I rounded second.

The objective is to steal home. I mean, long-term objective is to round the bases. We have rounded the second base. We can see third base, but we’re not there. It’d be a major theft right now to get into third base. We’re trying. But based on the sentence I’d said previously in the last hour, some people misunderstood, and I don’t want anybody having any false misunderstandings about any of this.

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