Guest Host Mark Steyn

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 31,2020

Guest Host Mark Steyn

Dec 31, 2020

Topics Discussed on Today’s Guest-Hosted Excursion into Broadcast Excellence
  • The Hill: The Memo: Toxic divide grew deeper in 2020
  • Politico: 2020 Shatters the Myth of American Exceptionalism
  • The Hill: Trump voters and progressives have a lot in common — and Biden can unite them
  • FOXNews: Sen. Hawley blasts ‘hypocritical’ Democrats over election count objection, points to Bush race
  • The Hill: Here are the Republicans planning to challenge the Electoral College results
  • The Hill: Ossoff slams Loeffler criticism of Warnock: She’s ‘been campaigning with a Klansman’
  • FOXNews: Census Bureau to miss deadline, threatening Trump’s attempt to exclude illegal migrants from census
  • The Hill: Trump to cut Florida trip short, return to Washington on Thursday
  • BizPacReview: ‘Every American should be afraid’: Former ICE chief says a Biden victory would lead to ‘chaos’ at border
  • BizPacReview: Immigration expert says Biden’s immigration plans could provide amnesty for millions
  • FOXNews: Biden to issue executive order halting any Trump ‘midnight regulations
  • The Hill: Biden frustration grows over lack of Trump cooperation in transition
  • BizPacReview: Biden team continues to snub questions, accused of disabling Zoom function where reporters complained
  • BizPacReview: Secret Service reportedly changing presidential detail over concerns current agents loyal to Trump
  • BizPacReview: Rand Paul’s wife ‘disgusted’ when ‘Teacher of the Year’ celebrates attack on husband, calls for more
  • Politico: Jobless claims down 19,000, still 4 times pre-pandemic level
  • The Hill: Ohio Gov: 60 percent of nursing home staff elected not to take COVID-19 vaccine
  • The Hill: De Blasio says New York City on pace to hit one million vaccinations by end of January
  • FOXNews: Wisconsin hospital employee ‘intentionally’ removed COVID-19 vaccine from refrigeration
  • FOXNews: Judd Apatow blames President Trump for Luke Letlow’s death ‘and hundreds of thousands of others’
  • FOXNews: Alec Baldwin should play himself in ‘SNL’ sketch about wife’s heritage controversy: Trump Jr
  • Daily Wire: ‘Illegal And Selfish Gatherings’: New Mexico Fines Two Churches $10K Each For Christmas Eve Services; Dem Governor Calls Pastors ‘Pro-Virus’
  • Daily Wire: ‘Pelosi Owns A $24,000 Fridge’: Pelosi Laments Vast Disparities In Americans’ Incomes, Hit With Backlash
  • Gateway Pundit: Dominion CEO LIED! Said Voting Machines “Are Not Connected to Internet” — That Was Before Jovan Pulitzer Broke into a Dominion Machine during Live Testimony Using Internet