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RUSH: To Eric Swalwell and his Chinese honeypot, Bang Bang. Yesterday, Axios reporter Jonathan Swan blasted one of Swalwell’s claims. One of Swalwell’s claims to try to get out of this mess, Swalwell is blaming Trump. He says Trump is behind the story that Swalwell was having an affair with Bang Bang, that Trump leaked all this stuff, that it’s not true, and he’s fed up with it. Now, Jonathan Swan of Axios, who is no friend of Trump’s, by the way, just slapped back at Swalwell and said what he’s saying is completely absurd.

Jonathan Swan said that Swalwell’s claim that Trump is the reason for his troubles is risible. He said just use your common sense. “Even Swalwell acknowledges that he first found out Axios was on this in 2019.” I know my colleague at Axios. “His timeline’s wrong.” He says July, 2019. It’s not July. “She’s been working on this for more than a year.”

So just anyone who has any passing understanding of how Trump world works, do we really think that they put out some opposition research, i.e., leaking the story about Swalwell and the affair with the Chinese honeypot named Bang Bang, do we really think that the Trump team would put that story out and then wait a year after an election to leak it? That’s absurd. The Trump campaign can’t wait longer than a day. If they leak something like this out, they would certainly not wait ’til after the election. “Give me a break,” Swan said. “This is completely absurd.”

So not even the Drive-By Media, not all of them, anyway, are rallying to Swalwell’s side. A lot of them are. A lot of them are. Major Drive-By Media has ignored Swalwell’s involvement with Bang Bang. Daily Caller has a story: “Media Largely Ignores the Report of Swalwell’s Involvement with Suspected Chinese Honeypot.” ABC, CBS, NBC did not report the news on their morning or evening shows for the entirety of the day Tuesday. The New York Times, the Washington Post did not report on the story. CNN did not do anything on air or on its online website. But Axios, who originally reported the story, did. So now Swalwell’s having to come out and defend himself. He’s blaming Trump and so forth.

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