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RUSH: Now, some things here to do. Folks, this is not supposed to have happened. This is Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Washington, on MSNBC this afternoon, a portion of her report with correspondent Vaughn Hillyard about early voting in Arizona.

HILLYARD: It is stunning and worth noting that the president going up to the rural part of the state where there’s a much larger population base — is worth noting. I stopped up there yesterday, into a couple towns — Lake Havasu, Kingman, Bullhead City. I went to one early voting location, and one, only one person out of 50 said they were voting for Joe Biden!

RUSH: Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. (Gasp!) What? How did that make it on MSNBC? How did that get past the bleepers? Did you hear that, folks? Vaughn Hillyard. He’s reporting from Goodyear, Arizona. He says he “went to one early voting location, and one, only one person out of 50 said they were voting for Joe Biden!”

(Gasp!) That just throws everything upside down in terms of the conventional wisdom. You talk about a random act of journalism! Put this guy on the Biden story.


RUSH: So I get a note from somebody, “Rush, these polls don’t tell us jack. Not when 70 million people have already voted. What can you tell us about that?” Well, what is there to say about the 70 million who have already voted? We had yesterday — remember, there’s a whole bunch of people that want to change their votes, according to the New York Post. There are some people that want to change their votes.

I don’t know how to read the early voting, folks. It can go either way. The early voting, I can see a combination of two things, and maybe three. We have to admit on the left there is so much jealousy. There is so much hatred for Trump that’s irrational. It’s been drummed up. It’s been hyped, and it’s been created. You could have a whole bunch of early voters — this is what the Democrats think — people can’t wait to get rid of Trump.

Then you also have — and this is what I think it is. I think there’s so many Trump voters who have been livid for four years what Washington has tried to do to their man, from the Mueller investigation, to the whole Russian collusion thing, I think Trump voters have been simmering to the point of boiling over. And I think a number of early voters are Trump voters who cannot wait to get out there, put the kibosh on the media and everybody else telling them that Trump doesn’t have a prayer.

And we also, we had the audio sound bite today, some guy, MSNBC blew it, he’s in Arizona, and he went out, and he talked to a bunch of people who are early voting. Only one out of 50 are voting for Biden. Only one out of 50. Who was this guy? I put it somewhere. I don’t have it right in front of me. (interruption) Vaughan, yeah. How long is it? We got time to squeeze it in here? Yes. Okay. Okay. Well, hit it. Here it is.

HILLYARD: It is stunning and worth noting that the president going up to the rural part of the state where there’s a much larger population base — is worth noting. I stopped up there yesterday, into a couple towns — Lake Havasu, Kingman, Bullhead City. I went to one early voting location, and one only one person out of 50 said they were voting for Joe Biden!

RUSH: One person out of 50. Early voting. One person out of 50 voting for Biden in Arizona. Arizona is a very important swing state. So when you sit and analyze who are these early voters, you could logically make the case, as I just did, that it’s two different groups of people. But which group is larger? No way of knowing. Unless there is something to be learned from ‘ol Vaughn Hillyard in Goodyear, Arizona. One out of 50 early voters is voting for Biden. That means 49 out of 50 are not voting for Biden.

My common sense, combined with my intelligence guided by experience, tells me that Trump voters, silent to begin with, have been doing a slow burn for four years over this whole Mueller thing and the Russian collusion thing. And I think they are hell-bent on sending the Democrats packing. And I think a majority of early voters are Trump voters.

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