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RUSH: Now, just a couple more things before go to the break just to try to cleanse you of the panic, give you some counter-news, counterinformation to the stuff you’re seeing in the Drive-By Media. Do you see — let me just ask — do you see a single Republican senator or congressperson trying to distance themselves from Trump in their own races? When Trump goes and does a rally, do you see no Republican elected people there? Nope. They’re there. They are showing up.

If Trump were an albatross, if Trump were losing and cruising for a landslide defeat, you wouldn’t have other Republicans want to be near him. I see Biden in Nevada and Minnesota. He shouldn’t be in Nevada and Minnesota because I’m told he’s got those sewn up now. Nevada and Minnesota are done. What’s he doing there? I see Trump in battleground states and in the Midwest. That makes perfect sense. There’s some internal state polls that look better than they did just a few months ago. North Carolina is one. Sixteen percent of black voters going GOP. That’s not something to be happening in a massive landslide setup, defeat.

I see hard-core leftist Democrat congresspeople begging for Pelosi to allow this stimulus bill to pass. They’re begging for her to let this pass. Why? Why does it matter? Why, even if Trump gets the credit, why does it matter? Because he supposedly lost it already. Trump’s gonna lose in a landslide. The media’s telling us this, Nate Silver’s telling us this, Charlie Cook is telling us, everybody. So go ahead.

The Democrats want Pelosi to close this deal because their constituents are suffering and she will not do it because she doesn’t want Trump to get the credit for it. Why does that matter if Trump is cruising to a landslide defeat? Then I see Wolf Blitzer on CNN try to push Pelosi to an absolute meltdown over the same thing. I don’t see any panic among Republican senators pushing through Amy Coney Barrett. Don’t see any panic. They act like it’s a fait accompli, it’s gonna happen.

I don’t see the elements here of landslide, upset defeat like people are feeling. I even see Senate races like John James, Martha McSally, Thom Tillis, Susan Collins, these are all tightening in their favor. Those Senate races would not be tightening if the presidential race was being lost, if the presidential race was widening. But I know none of this makes any sense. I’m just trying to tell you what I see. I know you’re terrified. I understand it. I see why you would be if all you follow — not even if all. If you just spend enough time with the Drive-By Media, I guarantee you I understand why you’re terrified. Try not to be.


RUSH: This is Paul in Baltimore. Great to have you. I’m glad that you patiently waited. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. Thanks for having me. Longtime listener and huge honor to be on. I just wanted to make a comment to your first segment about people being afraid of the election and everything. I really think the Democrats, including the media, all know Trump’s gonna win in a landslide. I also believe that they’re setting it up just like 2016 where they’re gonna say that Trump stole the election. You already hear Biden talking about voter suppression, that the only way he’s gonna win is if there’s voter suppression.

RUSH: Wait. Let me just make sure I heard you here at the beginning. You think Trump’s gonna win in a landslide?

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: And you think they believe this too?

CALLER: Yeah. And I think they’re trying to get the talking points out now, that Trump’s gonna have stolen the election —

RUSH: Well, let me share with you a note that I got from an official climatologist. See what you think. I may have to hold you over for the bottom-of-the-hour break. I may not get all this in, are you ready?


RUSH: “Dear Rush. I am really worried this time. An underinformed and overly indoctrinated public, combined with a media disinformation campaign, is leading us into uncharted territory, Rush. Leftists believe Trump is gonna be repudiated, maybe even suffer a landslide defeat. So what happens, Rush, when he wins, when Trump wins by a landslide? I am genuinely worried about the riots that will follow Trump winning.

“The media will claim that somehow the election was stolen by Trump and they’ll point to all of these polls and Charlie Cook and Nate Silver showing Biden was well ahead. Can this be their plan, Rush? Can this be their plan all along? Are they really this smart? I suppose they have more time to plan than the working people in America do. Truth is dying in America.” Is that something that you think’s got some credence to it?

CALLER: Absolutely. And I do think he’s gonna win in a landslide, maybe be worried about what could happen next after he wins, but I just don’t think people in four years forgot that they were getting rid of the establishment when they voted for Trump. I don’t think people forgot that they’re voting for their country when they voted for Trump in a short three years, not even four years yet. So I really think, especially with everything going on this year, even obviously before this year even started with all the–

RUSH: Okay. (crosstalk)

CALLER: — think he’s gonna win in a landslide.

RUSH: All right. We’ll explore this. Thanks for the call very much.


RUSH: So back to this email I got. I had to hustle through there because we were closing in on the bottom-of-the-hour break. “Dear Rush: I am genuinely worried an underinformed and mostly overly indoctrinated public believing everything they see in the Drive-By Media, combined with a media disinformation campaign, is leading us into uncharted territory, Rush.”

Leftists believe that Trump is going to be humiliated in this election. They have been told for the last four years that Trump colluded with Russia, that Trump should have been impeached over a phone call with the president of Ukraine, that Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed in Moscow. They have been told all of this and more. When all of it has been debunked, they have not been told that. They think Trump gets away with this stuff all the time. They have been led to believe the American people are fed up with that and want Trump gone.

They believe, because they’ve been led to believe, that Trump is going to lose in a massive landslide. “So, Rush, I’m worried about what happens when that doesn’t happen. I’m worried about the riots that are going to follow Trump winning. The media will claim that somehow the election was stolen by Trump. They’re gonna point to all of these polls. They’re gonna point to all these experts, Charlie Cook, Nate Silver. There’s not a single exception to them, Rush. Everywhere you look in leftist politics or media, Trump is losing in a landslide. There aren’t even any caveats, Rush.

“They’re not even making the slightest excuse for, ‘Well, if this happens and that happens Trump could win.’ They’re not even going there, Rush. They are pointing to poll after poll after poll showing Biden is up by double digits, up by 17, Biden a 91% chance of winning. I am scared to death, Rush, what happens to our country when he doesn’t lose. Rush, could this have been their plan all along? Could it be that they’ve known all along they don’t have a prayer of defeating Trump?”

Let’s look at this logically. Could it be, ladies and gentlemen, that the Democrats actually talking about defunding the police know that that is not a winning issue, that Democrat mayors and governors allowing the cities in their states to be looted, property destroyed, burned down, is this really what they think is going to win elections? It can’t be. Despite the fact that they’re trying to make it look like this.

And let’s look at something else. Let’s look at Trump. Wherever Trump goes and whatever they’ve thrown at Trump, there he is larger than life after every incident. After the Mueller report, after the supposed impeachment phone call to Ukraine, after every scandal that they say he’s guilty of, he rises and is bigger than he was before. He gets COVID-19, recovers in record Time. Trump’s rallies are larger than ever. The Democrats have to know that, just like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden cannot draw flies. And the reason is that there isn’t any genuine human excitement about a Biden campaign.

They know that when they report Biden’s up, got a 91% chance of winning, that he’s leading in some states by 12 to 17 points, they know that evidence on the ground does not equate to this. All of the eyeball evidence, all the things that anybody can see going on in America indicate that Trump is winning big. And then we do have some polling data showing Trump’s gonna win, 56% in a Gallup poll say that they believe their neighbors are gonna vote for him, that they believe their neighbors think he’s gonna win.

And I have more on that phenomenon here in just
a second. But it is true. There’s not a single thing that’s changed from 2016 to 2020, other than what’s in the media, what’s in the news and so forth. In order to believe that Trump’s gonna lose in a landslide, you have to believe that the American people have grown tired and weary and sick of the whole thing that is Donald Trump. And there’s no evidence of that except for what the Drive-By Media is reporting and saying.

It really is a good point. Is this the plan all along? Look. They have telegraphed that the Russians are already planning on stealing the 2020 election for Trump. They’ve been on that for two years. They have been corrupting the 2020 election on purpose for years. They’ve been accusing the 2020 election of already being dishonest.

On the one hand here, every news story, every bit of polling data shows Joe Biden winning bigger than anybody’s ever won. On the other hand, you’ve got Donald Trump being humiliated and losing and embarrassingly so. And then on Election Day, Trump wins big. Why, they’ve even said, they’ve even warned their peeps, “Be careful, because on election night it’s gonna look like Trump has won in a landslide.” And then they say, “Wait. Wait until we count the mail-ins, and wait until we count the absentees.”

They’re telling their voters this on election night, don’t be fooled. It’s gonna look like Trump already won in a landslide. That means they’re expecting it. So what is going to happen to all of these Democrat voters who have been indoctrinated with so much hate? Oh, my friends, it is incalculable the amount of hated that the Drive-By Media has embedded in the American electorate on the Democrat side. It’s hard to measure.

And they’ve got them believing that Trump’s gonna lose and be humiliated. They’re so prepared to be so happy. They have been ramped up. All their prayers are gonna be answered election night. The next day they’re gonna be happier than they’ve ever been. What happens when they’re not?


RUSH: Just a couple things here before we get back to the phones. It’s from a very brilliant friend of mine who looks at this stuff in ways that I’m not capable of, digging deep into polling numbers and cross-tabs and the deep internals. It’s not that I can’t. I just don’t have the patience for it, especially since I know people that can do it, I rely on ’em.

He says, “I think there are two reasons the polls are wrong these days, Rush. One. The question of who are you gonna vote for on November 3rd may not be the right question in the age of cancel culture and doxing and internet monitoring. More representative might be the polls that allow you to express a view, an opinion without going into the electronic memory bank as a pro-Trump.

“In other words, a better poll might be one that allows you to tell the pollster your point of view without you going into their database as pro-Trump. Like, who do you think will win? And are you better off than three years ago? Or what issue is the most important to you? Of course the economy by far. A guy who says he’s better off under Trump thinks Trump is gonna win and thinks the Trump economic record is issue one, they’re all likely to vote for him.

“Two. They still don’t fathom, Rush, all the ways to calibrate the silent Trump voter in their samplings, from Trump voters hanging up when asked to participate then the pollster goes right on to the next person to answer without acknowledging that they’re skipping over likely Trump voters, to self-select who’s gonna answer questions but do not represent the actual November 3rd electorate. Or not calibrating that increased voter registrations are both running strongly Republican percentage-wise and recently registered voters are far more likely to actually vote.”

He thinks a lot of this stuff is just not being factored in properly by people doing polls today. But during the cancel culture and during doxing and internet monitoring, a question that asks somebody directly, who are you gonna vote for, and that answer goes into a database, people aren’t gonna answer it. In fact, more people will answer they’re not gonna vote for Trump. In the cancel culture, in the doxing, internet monitoring, more people will probably tell a pollster they’re not gonna vote for Trump. ‘Cause they don’t want to be harangued. They don’t want to be bothered. They don’t want to be identified. And I think that there is a lot of validity to that.

When you understand how many people are scared to death of being tracked and targeted and followed, particularly by a bunch of leftists. You look at the Black Lives Matter culture, Antifa and targeting people they think are the enemy, you don’t want to make yourself out to be the enemy.

Here is Larry in Hubbard, Oregon. You’re next, and I’m glad you waited. Hello, sir.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. You are talking about my favorite contrarian indicator, and I wish you had just kept it a secret between you and me, and that is exactly right. Who is not panicking? It’s Mitch McConnell. It’s the Turtle. It is Cocaine Mitch himself, the legend. He is not acting like a guy that looks like he’s about to lose the Senate. He’s not acting like a guy who’s gonna lose his position of leadership. I know he’s seen the same internal polling that Donald Trump has. Of course they gotta be sharing that stuff. They’re on the same team. He is acting like a man that’s fully in control of his own destiny.

RUSH: Well, to that point he’s not acting like a guy who feels any kind of pressure to get Amy Coney Barrett voted on, either.

CALLER: Maybe. Maybe not. We’ll see what happens with it. You know, that just all winds up being what it is. But he’s put the pressure back on Nancy Pelosi if he wants to get the stimulus bill going and put that back in her lap before the election.

RUSH: By saying they’re gonna move on that before they’re gonna move on her?

CALLER: Well, sure. It puts the heat on any sort of Democrats. He knows that he’s got at least a couple Democrats for Amy Coney Barrett already. There hasn’t been a single Republican that’s been kind of wishy-washy on her —

RUSH: That’s true.

CALLER: — so, like I say, he’s in control of his own destiny by his own actions.

RUSH: So you think the key to this is for people worried, go out and look at who’s not panicked?

CALLER: You know, the things that aren’t said are as important as the things that are said.

RUSH: Well, I understand that. So if you do that — like, I saw Pelosi on with Wolf Blitzer yesterday. We’ve got the sound bites. I keep saying we got ’em. They’re coming up. Folks I may never get to ’em ’cause I really don’t care about her. I’ve talked about it enough I probably should, but she genuinely seemed mad, panicked, upset, one of her own underlings, Wolf Blitzer, calling her out. And I don’t see panic on the face of Donald Trump. I don’t see it. I think there’s something to learn from all this.

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