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RUSH: All right, now, this NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, quickly. “A sample of 800 –” that’s nothing. Normally it’s 1,100. “– registered voters.” That’s nothing. An accurate poll would be composed of likely voters. Here’s the worst. The sample, 45% Democrat, 36% Republican. On what planet will turnout on Election Day have a nine-point advantage for Democrats? Democrats are admitting that they are losing the enthusiasm gap to Trump.

So we have a story from the year 2016, a story about the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll from around the same time, using likely voters in that poll, not registered, using likely voters, Clinton was up by 11. Plugs is up by 14 in the 2020 version of this poll. The sample in 2016 was plus seven Democrat. It’s plus nine Democrat in 2020. So they may just be reusing the results in 2016 and saving the money. The headline from 2016, the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll: “Trump Doubles Down That Election is Rigged, as latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll Shows Support Falling.”

October 16th, 2016, Trump’s support was falling off the edge of the earth. Hillary Clinton was up by 11 in a poll that sampled 7% more Democrats than Republicans. Now today Biden is up 14 in a sample of Democrats up by 9%. And there are other striking details here, but here comes the ear-splitting tone.


RUSH: I want to go back. This is a montage of the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll reporting yesterday by Chuck Todd, Alex Witt, George Stephanopoulos, they’re just ecstatic, orgasmic over this poll. Here we go.

CHUCK TODD: Our NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows Joe Biden leads Mr. Trump among registered voters by a shocking 14 points, 53-39, by far Joe Biden’s biggest lead in our poll so far.

JOHN BUSSEY: The president down now by 14 points. That’s a pretty wide spread.

ALEX WITT: The Democratic nominee now ahead of Trump by 14 points.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Joe Biden is leading 53-39, a 14-point lead. How can you come back from that kind of a deficit?

RUSH: That was George Stephanopoulos. How can you come back from that kind of deficit? Well, what if the deficit doesn’t exist? Now, I want to go back to October 10th and 11th, 2016. I just shared with you the data, the headline on that NBC News poll of four years ago. Same poll, four years ago. Clinton was up by 11. In this weekend’s poll, Biden’s up by 14. The sample, plus nine for Democrats in this poll. Meaning, they sampled 45% Democrat, 36% Republican. That’s what they think the turnout on Election Day is gonna be. And if anybody thinks that the Democrats are gonna turn out 45-36 over Republicans, they’re crazy.

In 2016, the poll had a Democrat plus margin of seven in terms of the polling sample. So it’s the same poll four years apart, Hillary winning by 11, and I’m sure they said back then, “How does Trump overcome? How in the world would you overcome this kind of deficit?” In fact, we’ve got a montage a few days after NBC released the Access Hollywood tape — actually, the Washington Post released it, but it was NBC video. This is a few days after the Access Hollywood tape dropped, the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll came out and it told everybody it was over, Trump is gonna lose, Hillary’s gonna win big.

MATTHEW DOWD: Nobody has ever come back from this far down and won the presidential race.

JEFF ZELENY: An unprecedented implosion on the Republican side.

NICOLLE WALLACE: Hillary Clinton is most likely the next president. You know he’s going to lose.

JOHN HEILEMANN: He’s losing and probably has lost the election already.

CHARLIE ROSE: This is an unwinnable election by Donald Trump.

DONNY DEUTSCH: The election ended today.

JONATHAN KARL: This election’s already lost.

LESTER HOLT: The civil war in the Republican Party, a flood of GOP lawmakers abandoning their nominee.

CHUCK TODD: The worst may be yet to come with Trump. They may be staring at a total collapse of the party by election day.

MICHAEL SMERCONISH: The cumulative effect has finally caught up to him.

DAN SENOR: Hillary wins and wins big.

RUSH: There you have it. That’s exactly what they were saying in 2016. That’s four years ago. Grab sound bite number 1. This is what they were saying yesterday.

CHUCK TODD: Our NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows Joe Biden leads Mr. Trump among registered voters by a shocking 14 points, 53-39, by far Joe Biden’s biggest lead in our poll so far.

JOHN BUSSEY: The president down now by 14 points. That’s a pretty wide spread.

ALEX WITT: The Democratic nominee now ahead of Trump by 14 points.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Joe Biden is leading 53-39, a 14-point lead. How can you come back from that kind of a deficit?

RUSH: Notice the similarities. It’s over for Trump. Doesn’t have a prayer this past weekend, October 10th and 11th. Oh, my God. This is unwinnable. He’s losing. He probably lost the election already. Nicolle Wallace: Hillary Clinton’s most likely the next president. You know he’s gonna lose. Jonathan Karl: This election’s already lost. Lester Holt: The Civil War in the Republican Party, a flood of GOP lawmakers abandoning their nominee. Chuck Todd: The worst may be yet to come.

It’s history repeating. What did I say after this poll came out? I told you not to believe it. Here is me from my own program on October 11th, 2016.

RUSH ARCHIVE: Spine of steel, do not cave, do not waver, do not bend to the all-out assault here that is the daily soap opera narrative. We are being pummeled with it. It’s important that you not believe. Even this Wall Street Journal/NBC poll that shows Hillary up 11. You know, it’s normally a three-day poll. They reported it with only two days average to get max impact post-release of the Trump audio.

The sample is skewed. It’s all out of whack. It is classic disinformation, classic misinformation. And we find out the people who did this particular poll are working for the Clinton campaign. One name is Geoff Garin, what’s the other guy, Peter Hart, whatever, the people that did this particular poll, NBC News/Wall Street Journal showing Hillary up 11, have direct ties to the Clinton campaign. There is no separation. There is no boundary. There is no media. Everything is the left and the Democrat Party.

RUSH: That’s what I told you four years ago. And the same thing could be said today with even greater emphasis.


RUSH: Here’s Mike in Fairfield County, Connecticut. Great to have you with us, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Thank you, Rush. Honor to speak with you. I’ll get to the point. You know, if you look at past elections, the most underrepresented demographic has been working or professional men. With COVID, more people are working from home and have more flexibility to vote than in the past. I mean, even in 2016, Trump won, beat Hillary 42-41 with the men and even Romney won 54-46 against Obama.

RUSH: What is working from home have to do with all that?

CALLER: You have the ability to go out and vote. If you’re working, you’re in an office, you may lose time, you don’t have as much flexibility.

RUSH: You mean to vote?

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: So you’re saying that people working from home have a greater opportunity to go vote?

CALLER: Absolutely. The libs may have outsmarted themselves. You’re working for home, you have more flexibility, you’re running errands, you can go out and vote. In the past you’d be stuck in my office in New York City —

RUSH: Okay, wait. What I’m missing is on what basis are you assuming that everybody working from home is a Trump voter?

CALLER: Men. I’m saying working men.

RUSH: Oh, men.

CALLER: Professional men. Absolutely. That demographic is always underrepresented in the polling and in voting. They lose their opportunity to vote, they think it’s over, they don’t have enough time.

RUSH: Well, when you say most underrepresented demographic, you mean they’re the ones that show up the least or the ones that are polled the least?

CALLER: Show up the least and therefore now in the polls are polled the least.

RUSH: So you think COVID, that is now forcing more and more men to work from home —

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: — will give them more flexibility to go vote, actually go to a —

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: — polling place and vote?

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: Okay. All right. Well, we’ll put it in the hopper. I’m glad you called. There’s Mike in Fairfield County.

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