Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Not Fair?

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 2,2020

RUSH: The New York Times just published a column blaming Republicans for “sowing doubts” about the fairness of the presidential debates.

One social media meme really annoyed Times’ technology columnist Kevin Roose. It pictured President Trump taking on both Plugs Biden and moderator Chris Wallace, “in a Street Fighter-style two-on-one brawl.” The meme was retweeted by the President, with over a million interactions.

Mr. Roose says conservatives tried to paint Chris Wallace as a Trump-hater because they mentioned that Wallace is a registered Democrat, which is true.

These same evil conservatives are supposedly trying to cast doubt on the next scheduled debate by pointing out that the moderator, C-SPAN’s Steve Scully, was once a Joe Biden intern. Which is also true. Mr. Roose is outraged that Senator Ted Cruz called the choice of Scully: “nuts.”

Does anybody remember moderator Candy Crowley of CNN brazenly “correcting” Mitt Romney with a partisan argument during his 2012 debate with Barack Obama? Or the 2016 debates, when liberal moderators consistently ambushed Trump? They even took a little heat from their leftwing allies.

President Trump has never been treated fairly by the Drive By Media or by the Drive By Media players chosen to “moderate” debates. There’s nothing new about it. He wins anyway and that my friends is what ticks them off the most!

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