Senate Report on Hunter Biden Proves Trump Was Right

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 23,2020

RUSH: The Senate report on Hunter Biden and Burisma, you know what it does, among many other things? It proves that Trump was right asking the Ukrainians to investigate Biden. And they impeached Trump over this? He was dead-on right asking the Ukrainians to investigate Biden.


RUSH: There is the Senate report that has come out on Hunter Biden and the massive corruption that he was involved in with the government of Ukraine and the energy company, Burisma. It’s a massive story. “Senate report slams Bidens for conflicts of interest, flags possible criminal activity.” Now, granted, it’s a “GOP-led investigation.”

It “cites ‘glaring’ evidence of Burisma bribe, suspicious foreign money transfers and sex trafficking. A year-long Senate investigation concluded Wednesday that Hunter Biden’s efforts to cash in on foreign business deals during his father’s vice presidency raised alarm among U.S. government officials, who perceived an ethical conflict of interest and flagged concerns about possible criminal activity ranging from bribery to sex trafficking.

“The long-awaited joint report by the GOP-led Senate Homeland and Government Affairs and Senate Finance Committees delivered several blockbuster revelations less than two months before Election Day, suggesting Obama [regime] officials ignored clear warning signs about ethical conflicts and possible extortion risks involving Joe Biden’s family.”

This report makes it abundantly clear that it goes way beyond ethical violations, that we’ve got serious criminal violations that occurred here between Joe Biden, his son Hunter, the government of Ukraine — and we’ve known this. This is the crazy thing. We’ve known this. Joe Biden’s own words! Remember, they tried to indict Trump for trying to meddle in the internal affairs of Ukraine.

Trump calls the guy on his perfect phone call, the president of Ukraine, and suggests that he could be very helpful if he would start an investigation into the Bidens, that Hunter Biden was dirty in his arrangement with Burisma, an energy company. He ends up being paid millions of dollars. He doesn’t know the first thing about energy!

It was a clear quid pro quo gig that Hunter Biden got without any qualifications simply ’cause he’s the vice president’s son. It got so bad that Ukraine was in the process of prosecuting Hunter Biden, and then Joe Biden, as vice president, went over there. And we know what comes next because Joe Biden bragged about it in a speech that he gave, a little seminar that he participated in at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Paraphrasing, Biden’s telling the assembled crowd — and there’s, you know, 150 people there. The Council on Foreign Relations is a very elitist offshoot of the deep state, and Biden is bragging about what he did, and he claims that he told the president of Ukraine that if he didn’t fire the prosecutor that was investigating his son, then a billion dollars that had been earmarked for Ukraine would be withheld.

Biden was gonna see to it! He’s bragging about his ability to do this, and then he told the people at the Council on Foreign Relations, “If you don’t believe me, then you can call Obama.” This is what he said to the president of Ukraine. “If you think I’m making this up, you call Obama. He’ll tell you!

“If you don’t drop it — if you don’t fire this investigator, if you don’t fire this prosecutor — Obama will withhold the money.” He’s bragging about this! He’s on tape. There is video of Biden bragging about this. We’ve known that there was corruption. We’ve known that Biden was intimately involved in it. He admitted it.

And the prosecutor was fired, and the investigation into his son was stopped. And Ukraine got their billion dollars in aid. But it was held hostage. And Biden indicted Obama in the way he told the story. He made it clear that Obama was also willing to withhold the $1 billion. What he was really saying, “If you don’t think I’m high enough here on the food chain, if you think I’m just a lowly vice president, you call Obama, call Barack, call Barack, Barack will tell you.”

And this is some of the things that Trump wanted these people to investigate. And it was on that phone call that they claim Trump was meddling in internal affairs, and they impeached Trump over this. And it turns out that Trump, like every other instance involving the so-called violations, Trump’s the one that was innocent. Trump’s the one that was been proven to be on the right side of the law.

There was corruption. There was shenanigans going on. Trump wanted to get to the bottom of it. Trump ends up impeached while Biden ends up the Democrat nominee with everybody ignoring what he did. And that’s the Senate report today. It makes note of this and other things. “The report raises serious questions that former Vice President Biden needs to answer. There are simply too many potential conflict of interest, counterintelligence and extortion threats to ignore,” said committee chairman Ron Johnson in an interview with John Solomon at Just the News, ma’am, dot-com.

Here’s a pull quote. “The Obama administration knew that Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board was problematic and did interfere in the efficient execution of policy with respect to Ukraine. Moreover, this investigation has illustrated the extent to which officials within the Obama administration ignored the glaring warning signs when the vice president’s son joined the board of a company owned by a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch.

“In all, Hunter Biden and Archer received more than $4 million from Burisma during a time when the firm aggressively lobbied the State Department to make long-standing corruption allegations go away, at times invoking the vice president’s son’s name for pressure.”

So this is saying they wanted Hunter Biden on the board because of his name. Didn’t matter that he was not qualified, didn’t know the first thing about the energy business that Burisma was in. They were willing to pay him $4 million, and all they wanted was his name and the name of his dad so that it could be used to pressure investigators into stopping their investigation their investigations.

This is a very, very long news story. But if it were about a Republican who had been nominated by his party to be the nominee for president, his campaign would be over today. If this report were about Trump and a son of his, that’d be the end of Trump’s campaign. The media would make sure that Trump resigned. The media would make sure that whoever the Republican was.

But Joe Biden is not even going to be asked about this. He’s not even gonna be held accountable. Neither will Hunter Biden. Where is Hunter, by the way? Now, Kimberley Strassel, the Wall Street Journal, has tweeted a lot about this. And here’s some of what she has said. “The Johnson-Grassley report raises the many and disturbing conflicts of interests surrounding Hunter’s biz dealings while Joe was veep. But it also makes clear that the Democratic nominee is not being straight with the public.

“Joe Biden last year: ‘I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.’ That’s pretty definitive, right? Yet according to testimony from former Obama official Amos Hochstein, he briefed Joe on his concerns about Hunter/Burisma in October 2015… AND ‘Shortly after his conversation with Vice President Biden, Hunter Biden contacted Hochstein and asked to meet. According to Hochstein, Hunter became aware of Hochstein’s West Wing conversation with the Vice President, who had mentioned it to Hunter.'”

So Biden’s lying through his teeth about not having spoken to his son about this. Which is a crazy assertion. How in the world does he not speak to his son about this? The idea that he never said a word to him is absurd. Nobody would believe that.

So the bottom line is, Joe Biden was specifically briefed on the United States government’s concerns about Hunter and his role with Burisma and that Biden specifically did bring up these concerns to his son through this guy, Hochstein.

Now, “How does that comport with ‘I have never spoken’? If Joe isn’t asked about this at the debate, it will be journalistic malpractice.” Do you hear that, Chris Wallace? If you don’t bring this up, the fact that Biden’s lying through his teeth when he says he’s never spoken to his son about this, it will be journalistic malpractice.

The report also shows that despite former Secretary of State John Kerry saying he had no knowledge of any of this, that in fact he, too, was briefed on Hunter Biden. It seems like a lot of people in the Obama Regime knew this was a problem, but nobody did anything about it.

There was no reason to do anything about it. It was the Obama administration. There were no scandals in the Obama administration. The only one that’s ever been scandal-free, right? Obama tells us this all the time. This is all relevant because of Biden’s claim that he’s the more ethical choice in this election.

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