A 4-4 Supreme Court Is Not Good for America

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 21,2020

RUSH: This is Donald in Savannah, Georgia. It’s great. I’m glad you waited, sir. You’re up next on the EIB Network.

CALLER: Oh, gosh. Mega dittos and mega prayers to you, Rush.

RUSH: Well, thank you, sir.

CALLER: I’m praying for you, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you very, very much.

CALLER: My comment is that this Supreme Court nomination is even more important than I think you’ve said so far, and I know you think it’s important. But the Democrats are gonna do everything they can to stop the election of Trump, and there could be lawsuits involved, and if this goes to the Supreme Court, we could have been a 4-4 tie, and I don’t think that would be bode well for Trump’s chances at being reelected. So that’s my comment, and I will hang up and listen.

RUSH: Okay. I’m glad you called out there, Donald. I’m sure that while you’re on hold, you don’t get to listen to everything. But I think I made that point about an hour ago, that if there is no replacement for Justice Ginsburg, then we face a 4-4 Supreme Court, and that’s no good on matters that need a solution, that need a resolution, that need a decision.

And certainly the next president, the election and so forth, is something that’s going to need a resolution. And the conventional wisdom is that this election is going to get to the Supreme Court ’cause there gonna be mail-in ballots ’cause there are gonna be absentee ballots, ’cause there are gonna be things like that hanging chads that existed in 2000 in Florida.

Maybe not hanging chads, but the Democrats are gonna sue over everything when they lose. They’re even predicting it! They’re predicting an Election Night landslide win for Trump, but then when their fraudulent votes — I mean, when their paper votes — are counted, that’s when they claim they’re gonna win in a landslide.

But they’re gonna need this affirmed, and that would need to be in the Supreme Court — and notice that everybody thinks that an eight-person Supreme Court is gonna come down to the four libs versus the four conservatives. And it may well. How the hell is that judicial? It isn’t. It’s political. Anyway, I appreciate the call, Donald.

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