The Trump Economy Beats Expectations Again

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 17,2020

RUSH: “Jobless claims were lower than expected, but employment growth is still sluggish.” Let me translate this for you. Jobless claims lower than expected. That means Trump beats expectations again, and he’s done this despite wildfires, hurricanes, and Democrat governors and mayors deliberately tamping down their local economies in an effort to hurt the national economy, in an effort to hurt Trump and the people who elected him.

I mean, these people in these blue states are literally inflicting harm on their own voters. “First-time claims for unemployment insurance beat Wall Street estimates last week as the U.S. economy enters a critical new stage. Filings totaled 860,000 for the week ended Sept. 12, the Labor Department reported Thursday. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had expected 875,000, against the previous week’s upwardly revised 893,000. … The beat on claims had little impact on financial markets, with Wall Street opening sharply lower.”

Yeah, well, that will all straighten out. The bottom line is that the job situation is better than people expected. And if you go back to 2019, we’re getting some Census Bureau data. I know, what’s it worth now? Well, it is worth something because it was Trump-created and inspired. Before the COVID virus hit, before the China virus reached our shores, this economy was just trucking. It was just rolling.

Household income was up 7%; poverty was at a record low in 2019. And then the bottom dropped out when the virus hit. Democrats are also scrambling on the COVID relief bill amid division and a Trump surprise.

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