Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Business as Usual

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 15,2020

RUSH: Schools in rich California districts are planning to open a lot sooner than schools in poor Latino neighborhoods, reports the L.A. Times.

The affluent Capistrano Unified School District is ready to let students go back to class at the end of September. But in Santa Ana, 25 miles away, it’ll be at least November before the poor and Latino students can return.

In L.A., where more poor students live, school officials aren’t even sure when they’ll open again. Maybe November. Maybe later.

Children in these poor areas have been hardest hit by the shutdown. And now they’ll be hardest hit again. Because they have to stay shut down while rich children in affluent neighborhoods can go back to school, and get on with their lives.

In liberal victimology, this story is a two-fer. We have racism against Latino children. And we have income inequality. Poor and minority children, who are already suffering, are going to suffer even more.

Who runs California? Who controls both houses of the state legislature, and the governor’s mansion? It’s Democrats, folks. Who runs all these communities, rich and poor? It’s Democrats.

The Democrats know what’s happening in their state. They know that poor and Latino children are being harmed, and they are doing nothing – not one thing – to solve the problem. Which means it’s business as usual. Why don’t they care about the poor?

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