The Only Thing You Need to Know About Mail-In Voting

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 4,2020

RUSH: This is Dee. Dee is in Spokane, Washington. Great to have you. Hi.

CALLER: Hi. Prayers to you, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I just wanted to let you know, I’m a retired letter carrier after 30 years. I recently retired, and I just wanted to let you know about my concern about mail-in ballots. And I know you were talking about even absentee ballots and I know that in November when we vote, there’s many absentee ballots because of the snowbirds.

And I would just like people to know that there’s good carriers and there’s a lot of rabid union carriers that are being told repeatedly, Trump wants to take away their job; he wants to close post office, privatize. They hate Trump. And all my years, I know that there’s ways that they delay mail. They can make mail disappear. We have a saying in the post office which is called “take it for a ride.” If they want to delay something, they don’t deliver it that day. They’ll take it for a ride or they’ll put it back in the mail stream. It reminds me of when you were talking years ago about Lois Lerner —

RUSH: Lois Lerner! Yes, that’s right. The Lois Lerner was the one that was responsible for delaying and denying fundraising status to conservative fundraising groups, and she didn’t even need a memo to do it. She was in that job because it was understood she would do it anyway. Look. This mail-in ballot thing… I’m glad you called, Dee. We all understand the pitfalls of this.

Here’s all you need to know about mail-in voting, folks. The only thing you need to know — the president needs to make this point more frequently and a little louder — is no ID is required. Now, he talks about how absentee balloting is much, much different ’cause you gotta go through a process. The process is proving who you are.

You cannot vote absentee without proving who you are. Mail-in balloting, you don’t have to prove who you are. You can make it up! You don’t have to prove anything. There’s no ID and there’s no ID verification. It is made to order for fraud. That’s the only reason the Democrat Party is interested in it, and I need to remind you again: All of these outrageous things, the mail-in voting.

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