Rush 24/7 Morning Update: No Lie
RUSH: At their low-rated convention last week, Democrats used an 11-year-old crumb cruncher to slam President Trump's immigration policies.
RUSH: At their low-rated convention last week, Democrats used an 11-year-old crumb cruncher to slam President Trump's immigration policies.
RUSH: They're saying, "Boy, did Biden knock it out of the park. Holy cow." And why do people think that?
RUSH: The comforting inside-the-Beltway, banal bromides and cliches versus somebody who literally intends to shake things up.
RUSH: That speech last night does not prove he can do debates.
RUSH: I find this fascinating because there's a part of me that believes the NFL never wanted sideline reporters.
RUSH: The reason it's frustrating is that everybody knows. Everybody knows what an abject lie that this is.
RUSH: I think Trump is toying with these people and playing with them like only he can. I think he's doing it for the fun of it.
RUSH: The reason it's continuing is because the Democrat Party has determined that it is a positive thing to help them win reelection for all of this chaos to occur.
RUSH: Now, Karl Rove coming to Trump's defense is a big deal, but he just decimates Biden.
RUSH: Cookie has described it as Biden slurring his way through a tortured deer-in-the-headlights speech. Yes, she's allowed to editorialize here as she sends me bites.
RUSH: I really like that question. You know why? Because I've never thought of myself as running the PGA or any other professional golf organization.
RUSH: A legitimate emotional breakdown occurring all over mainstream media journalism.
RUSH: Get the stories that I talk about as the program unfolds before your eyes and ears, plus a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's a real-time base feature, not just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.