Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Soccer Score
RUSH: The anti-American contagion has spread from football and basketball now into soccer.
RUSH: The anti-American contagion has spread from football and basketball now into soccer.
PENCE: The selection of California liberal Senator Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's running mate simply confirms everything President Trump and I have been saying.
RUSH: They are attempting to reinvent Kamala Harris as a moderate centrist — a pragmatist — to go after the swing voters.
RUSH: Kevin Clinesmith, one of the FBI lawyers who deliberately fabricated evidence to justify spying on Carter Page and getting the FISA warrants, is going to plead guilty.
RUSH: By insisting that it is imperative to wear masks everywhere, everybody for three months, this is Plugs doubling down on the basement strategy.
RUSH: This is something that has long been an objective of the American left.
RUSH: Willie Brown has not just admitted it. He's kind of promoted this… We have something new that's been thrust — ahem — into American politics, and that is the question of using sex to get ahead.
RUSH: Folks, they do not have anywhere near the enthusiasm that Donald Trump has. The voters. They just don't.
RUSH: He's banking on the fact that the Democrats are gonna keep the House, they're gonna win the Senate, they're gonna win the White House, they're gonna own Washington.
RUSH: It is something to be scared about! The Democrat Party is something to be very, very worried about and scared about.
RUSH: The exact opposite of what the Democrat Party has been standing for, has been illustrating itself to represent.
RUSH: People leaving New York and going to Florida. And what are they fleeing? They're fleeing policies they voted for.
RUSH: Get the stories that I talk about as the program unfolds before your eyes and ears, plus a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's a real-time base feature, not just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.