NFL to “End Racism” in the End Zone

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 28,2020

RUSH: The National Football League is going to stencil, “End Racism” on the borders of the end zone as part of a social justice rollout for kickoff week in September. So, the end zone, you have a border on the end zone, and they’re gonna stencil, “End Racism” on the end zone border. And then the players are gonna kneel during the national anthem and coaches are gonna kneel with the players.

So, the American people that are gonna be tuning in to watch football, they’re gonna be told they’re a bunch of racists and that their flag isn’t worth supporting and they’d better admit it and they’d better realize real quickly they’re a bunch of racists and stop it. And they’re not gonna be able to avoid it because it’s gonna say so in the end zone border at every game opening weekend.


RUSH: A couple New England Patriots players have said they’re not gonna play this season, and they’re both stars. One of them is Dont’a Hightower, who was one of their star inside linebackers. Marcus Cannon, offensive tackle on the right side, neither are going to play. They’re opting out of the 2020 season.

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