The First Public Beta of iOS 14 Is Here

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 9,2020

RUSH: By the way, I’m running beta.

For those of you who run public betas of Apple’s new software updates — you know, every summer in June, Apple introduces, in beta, the new operating system that they release in September. And they also allow the public, anybody who wants to, to sign up on a website to test it.

Well, they’re releasing the first public beta today of iOS 14, and I wanted to break that news to you in case you happen to be one who has participated in the public beta program before or you’ve thought about it, this is the day to sign up. There’s an Apple website, beta in the name of it, that you use to sign up if you want to participate in the public data. And the public beta, it’s stable enough. They’ll tell you don’t put it on your primary device yet, but I’m running beta 2 for the developer side. And it’s really, really stable.

There are 250 new things in this operating system. A video was produced illustrating and demonstrating the over 250 new features, and it takes an hour and a half to watch it. It is loaded. (interruption) No. It’s a blog site that put together — it’s 9to5Mac if you want to go find it. That means now Koko and his team will have the link at since I mentioned it.


RUSH: I made a mistake. My website does not have the video, the 250-plus new features in iOS 14. The video takes an hour and a half. I’ll send the Web page, the link for that, so if you want to look at it, you can.

We do have the story from 9to5Mac on the public beta being released today, and in that story is the Apple website to sign up for public beta if you want to try it.

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