Callers Respond to The Breakfast Club Interview

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 1,2020

RUSH: Now we go back to the phones. This is Monique in Brooklyn. It’s great to have you here. Hello.

CALLER: Hello, and good afternoon. How are you?

RUSH: I’m fine. Thank you.

CALLER: All righty. I was just wondering, what is your general consensus on police officers joining the protests?

RUSH: You mean joining the protest against other police?

CALLER: Not necessarily against other police, but the idea of, you know, acknowledging that police brutality is an issue. I’ve seen police chiefs and other high-ranking sergeants make viral videos saying, “Listen, police brutality is an issue. We should be trained better. People should not be dying because we are trying to arrest them.” So I just wanted to see what your opinion was on that.

RUSH: Well, look. I could not agree more that you should not die when you’re being arrested. I don’t even think this guy should have been — I still don’t know, $20 fake bill, none of this has made any sense to me. Gotta be very careful here. I think there are rogue cops. There are rogue people in every group. We got bad cops. Most of them aren’t. We’ve got good radio people. Some of them aren’t. We got good TV people. Some of them aren’t. We got good doctors. Some of them aren’t.

And I don’t think there are enough rogue cops, bad cops to start defining the entire United States police force, if you will, as being flawed. Otherwise these events would be happening multiple times a day, and nobody would be doing anything to stop it. If police feel motivated to join a protest because they just can’t stomach what’s being done, I have no problem with it. Protest is an American right. But what I’m trying to say is I’m resisting the assumption here that all police are bad, that all police are rogue, that all police engage in brutality. I know they don’t. The vast majority of them do not. And this kind of stuff is making their jobs even harder. And they don’t get paid enough for what they do. Thank you, Monique.

This is Lee in Lexington, Kentucky. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. I think the follow-up question to the complaint that we need to dismantle the system of systemic white supremacy is what is that system? And I know I have my own perspective about what that is, but I think that as a follow-up question it would be illustrative if we could get Charlamagne tha God and The Breakfast Club to share how do they define that? What is that —

RUSH: I think he did. Let me repeat what I think I heard him say. He said white supremacy is the result of the nation being founded by white people who were wealthy for white people who would benefit from the way the country was structured and founded, and everybody else was left out. And so that automatically means that all white people from the founding of the country forward have a built-in advantage over people who weren’t white because the country was founded on principles and laws and systems designed to benefit fellow and other white people. That is what I understood him to say as the definition of white supremacy.

Other people define it in a more literal way, that white supremacy is actually made up of people who think that white race people are supreme, they are superior, they are better human beings. That’s what I’m telling you doesn’t exist. It may exist — there may be five or 10 people here, but the white population of this country en masse nowhere near thinks that. Not in 2020.

CALLER: I agree with you. But I reject both of those definitions or those premises. Because what is actually happening here in the country is that as the state, it grows in power and it becomes more oppressive. And it starts picking winners and losers, and I believe that just many of these initiatives that have been implemented by the state have disproportionately oppressed black people and it has made their lives more difficult.

And I do think that they’re recruiting mechanisms in police departments and just even the escalation of commitment based on human psychology, once somebody gets into that position, they’re just inclined to just keep going. So you see that guy with his knee on George’s neck, and he can’t stop, he just can’t help himself, that’s just a human psychological mechanism that all humans need to fight and be able to come back down, you know, from getting over whatever caused those things —

RUSH: Now, that’s exactly right. I can’t relate. I can’t relate to not removing my knee. I cannot relate to not removing — but let me tell you something here, Lee. Because my time is dwindling rapidly. You are brilliant.

CALLER: I think the same about you.

RUSH: No, I’m telling you. The way you laid out your own definition of white supremacy, really you laid out the way it manifests itself because you are exactly right. Most of this misery, much of it, much of the unhappiness stems from a growing, out-of-control government that does indeed pick winners and losers, but it more importantly falsely represents people. Look at the Democrat Party’s promises. Look at what they have told people they’re gonna do for them for 50 years, 75 years. In a way, you can’t blame Democrat voters for being ticked off because all of these wonderful things they have been promised and all the horror that they’ve been promised will end, none of it’s happened, or very little of it. Anyway, I’m so glad you called.


RUSH: We have a caller who says that I didn’t understand their point about white supremacy, so we’ve got her number, we’re gonna try to call her back tomorrow. Anyway, out of time today, folks. Appreciate you being here, as always. See you tomorrow.

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