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RUSH: And looky here. You know, this does not surprise me. I’ve been kind of waiting for this. There’s a Bloomberg story here about how young Millennials are fleeing America’s big cities and they’re going back home, either going back home to mom or dad or going to suburbia and relocating because with the cities on lockdown, there’s nothing to do. With the cities on lockdown, there’s no social life, there’s no dating scene, the bars and restaurants are closed, the ability to do fun things on the weekend is gone.

So without the city and these attractions, the Millennials say it just makes a lot of sense to abandon ship and go back to their parents. Yes, their parents. Gotta be a happy day for their parents, right, here come the Millennials back from the city. One Millennial said, “We’re throwing around the option of moving our stuff into a storage facility. No reason to waste money on rent, if we can live, work at home, a cheaper place –” You know, this is happening in San Francisco. It is happening in Connecticut.

There are a lot of people realizing without having to go to work in a city there’s no reason to live nearby and pay exorbitant rents. No reason to live in San Francisco at $3,000 a month when you don’t even make that much a month working at Twitter, Facebook, wherever it is you work.

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