Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Here’s What’s Clear

by Rush Limbaugh - May 15,2020

RUSH: An important move that President Trump made to deal with the coronavirus outbreak early on was to suspend most immigration into America. Liberal activists didn’t like this. They went to court, they tired to try to block Trump’s order.

The Drive-By Media reaction was also predictable. Like the liberal immigration activists, liberal activists posing as journalists were fit to be tied over Trump’s temporary suspension of immigration. They immediately ran to their computers to post hit pieces about it.

ABC News claimed that “experts” say we are going to need more immigration, not less, to bring the economy back. These “experts” say the economic benefits of the president’s immigration suspension are “unclear.”


Well, so far, over 36 million Americans have filed for unemployment. Millions more are stuck in blue states, where Democrat governors will not allow them to go back to work even if they want to. These governors are determined to keep our economy shackled as long as they can to damage Trump.

So here’s what’s clear: When the whole country reopens, when people are finally allowed to go back to work, millions of Americans are going to try and put their businesses and their lives back together again. And as we make that happen, now we won’t have to also fight unchecked immigration and wide-open borders thanks to President Trump and his ban.

You’ll see.

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