Leftists Have Hijacked Science

by Rush Limbaugh - May 15,2020

RUSH: Jerry in Atlanta. Great to have you, sir. Hello. You’re on Open Line Friday and you’re up next.

CALLER: Thanks, Rush. I appreciate all you do. Hey, I want to paraphrase a comment, something I read about 20 years ago and just hear your thoughts if you think it applies today. The comment was, “Science is great but scientists are dangerous,” and they’re human and sometimes they’ll act like a cheap defense lawyer rather than a pure speaker and seeker of the truth. And it just made me think, and I was just kind of curious if you thought it may be applied today.

RUSH: So what is the question you’re asking me specifically?

CALLER: In terms of — and I don’t really want to cite Dr. Fauci about this — but when studying this coronavirus, there are facts, there are inferences that you can make — analogies to other viruses — and then there are opinions. And those are the only three things out there. And I think we’re hearing a lot of opinions that are being taken as facts, and I’m just… I was curious if you thought maybe they’re not saying and stressing out that, “Hey, these are the facts,” versus, “This is my opinion or this is my thought on what might happen,” if that makes sense.

RUSH: No, but let me answer it anyway. The best way to understand science today is that it has been corrupted by the left. The left has pretty much corrupted everything it’s touched, purposefully. It’s not just happened because a bunch of people who are liberals decided to go into, quote-unquote, “science.” It’s that they actively decided to do it for the express purposes of advancing the liberal political agenda.

To leftists and liberals and communists and socialists, all that matters is the agenda and advancing it. It’s the number one objective for being alive. They’re not interested in persuading hearts and minds that they’re correct. They’re not interested in debates. They’re not interested in having to persuade people that their view is correct by having a superior view and having a more persuasive way of presenting it.

They demand that you accept it or else. They do not want any opposition. They do not want any obstacles into the implementation of what they believe, and so it’s all a game. Pretty much everybody in Washington government is a leftist and a careerist. And there are exceptions, but that’s the most of them. Science has been set up as infallible. You can’t dispute it. You can’t disagree with it.

In fact, let me find… There’s a sound bite here that will make partially the point, if I can find it. It happened last night on Shannon Bream’s show. Let me see if… Here it is. Grab sound bite number 17. Shannon Bream last night had the Peace Corps medical director. The Peace Corps… Now, what is the Peace Corps? The Peace Corps is some government established group.

JFK established this thing. A bunch of young people run around the world spreading peace, and now they’ve got a medical director. They’re just a bunch of, you know, left-wing hikers. They go hike in Africa. They go hike in India. They go hike and they run into people and they spread peace. They wear khaki shorts, they run around with backpacks. They’re hikers.

And it’s called “the Peace Corps,” so that you think the work is wonderful and good and you cannot object to it. They’ve got a medical director. So last night, Shannon Bream is talking to the medical director for the Peace Corps about my comments on the guidelines that have been set up for reopening the economy and how they keep moving. They keep moving the goalposts on us and here is how that sound bite sounded…

BREAM: I want to play a little bit of what Rush Limbaugh had to say about this today about how people are feeling like the goalposts keep moving. Here’s what he said…

RUSH ARCHIVE: So we had to flatten the curve, had to follow the data of flawed model, we need more testing. So we got more testing. It’s not enough. Now that’s not enough. We need even more. We need antibodies. That doesn’t mean anything anymore. Now we need a vaccine. There may never be a vaccine.

BREAM: All right, Doctor. I know that you want to keep us safe, but you can hear the frustration in his voice.

WEINBERG: I certainly could. I love Rush. He is the best conservative journalist probably ever. I looked today on his bio. I can’t find where he went to medical school. Uhh, not sure he has a medical degree. And the goalposts haven’t moved, Shannon. What we’ve done is we’ve learned a lot more about the disease.

RUSH: So you see, I am immediately disqualified for having any kind of opinion about what he later acknowledges is true: The goalposts are moving. But I don’t have a medical degree. I don’t wear a lab coat. I don’t have any kind of health expertise on my resume.


RUSH: My point is, they’re moving the goalposts.

They’re doing everything they can in the blue states to keep this economy shut down. I point it out, and I’m immediately disqualified because I didn’t go to medical school. I’m just… Folks, look, I’m trying to make this as simple as I can. When it comes to science — science in climate change — science everywhere has been corrupted. Every government institution has been hijacked over the years. It didn’t just happen yesterday.

It’s been going on my whole life to the point now that the administrative state exists to thwart personal liberty and freedom and conservatism, and advance the notions of gigantic Big Government and authoritarian control that that conveys, and they have taken over fields like science. You can’t dispute it! “You can’t dispute what Dr. Fauci says. You don’t have a medical degree!”

And even if you did, you wouldn’t be allowed to dispute Dr. Fauci. But he’s not alone. I mean, you can’t dispute the climate change people. “A consensus of scientists. A consensus of scientists!” Right there, you can’t disagree with, or if you do, nobody should listen to you ’cause you’re a plebe. Well, there’s no consensus in science. It’s not up to a vote.

So again, it’s just something to be originally, inherently doubtful and suspicious of when a bunch of government scientists (or government anything) tell you things. Don’t believe it at first. Wait for it to be confirmed or true, ’cause I’ll guarantee you, all it’s about is advancing the liberal Democrat (what is now socialist) agenda.


Okay. So earlier today we played the following sound bite from Shannon Bream’s show last night on the Fox News Channel. She had a guest, the Peace Corps medical director Steve Weinberg. And I used this bite as an example of how people will disqualify others from having opinions that are worthwhile if they are not men of science, if they’re not doctors or what have you. So here to start, this is the bite.

BREAM: I want to play a little bit of what Rush Limbaugh had to say about this today about how people are feeling like the goalposts keep moving. Here’s what he said…

RUSH ARCHIVE: So we had to flatten the curve. We had to follow the data of flawed models. We need more testing. So we got more testing. It’s not enough. We need even more. Now that’s not enough. We need antibodies. That doesn’t mean anything anymore. Now we need a vaccine. There may never be a vaccine.

BREAM: All right, Doctor. I know that you want to keep us safe, but you can hear the frustration in his voice.

WEINBERG: I certainly could. I love Rush. He is the best conservative journalist probably ever. I looked today on his bio, I can’t find where he went to medical school. I’m not sure he has a medical degree. And the goalposts haven’t moved, Shannon. What we’ve done is we’ve learned a lot more about the disease.

RUSH: All right. So he was defending the goalposts moving. When I played the bite, I was a little snarky ’cause the guy said, “Okay. Well, yeah, he’s a great conservative, but I don’t see that he’s got a medical degree.” Of course this is how leftists — not even just leftists, some people — I told you it was all part of a monologue where the left doesn’t care to win debates. They don’t care to prevail. They don’t even think they should have to face opposition. They just quiet it.

Well, I got a note from Shannon at about 10 minutes after 2, so 50 minutes ago, 45 minutes ago.

She said, “Hey, Rush, the weeks are much more entertaining and informative when you’re on. The doctor we had on last night really is your biggest fan. He did run the Peace Corps for Bush 43. He pulled it as far to the right as he could. I think he was just trying to be cheeky with the comment that you don’t have a medical degree. But he started his remarks praising you immensely. He would love to connect if you have any desire. The guy’s a die-hard conservative. He credits you with much of that. Not only an MD, he’s a JD and a professor, and he’s a legitimate Texan and he’s a good egg. His name is Steve Weinberg. You continue to be in our daily prayers, Shannon Bream.”

Well, I’m glad she sent me the note. Did I sound overly snarky at the guy originally? Nah. Okay, good.

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