A Thrilled and Excited Rush Revere Recipient

by Rush Limbaugh - May 8,2020

RUSH: We go to Yakima, Washington. This is Boomer. Great to have you on Open Line Friday. Hi.

CALLER: (excitedly) Hi, Rush! It’s great to talk to you today!

RUSH: Well, it’s great to have you here, Boomer. Thank you.

CALLER: I just wanted to call and say thank you. You were talking about the Rush Revere series for kids — and I wrote in for one, and you sent me one, and I got it in the mail yesterday!

RUSH: Oh, so you were one of the lucky winners?

CALLER: Yes, sir!

RUSH: Well, congratulations to you. That’s great. We had some copies of Rush Revere and the whole Rush Revere Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans history series, five books. We had some available. We put ’em up for free at the Rush Revere and the RushLimbaugh.com website. All people had to go is go and register. We had drawings and so forth to give them away, and you’re lucky. You got a set. So that’s great. I’m glad that you won. Had you had any before you won these, or were these your first exposure to the books?

CALLER: No, it’s my first exposure and I’m really… You know, it’s kind of for my son. I’m just hoping it will help me teach him to get off in the right direction, you know, with the way the schools are going here in the state of Washington.

RUSH: How old is your son?

CALLER: He is 5.

RUSH: Oh, well! You’ve got some years to flake and form that little brain before he’s even ready for these books.

CALLER: Oh, yeah! Just trying to get a jump-start.

RUSH: Well, our experience has been so wonderful with these books. We’ve heard from parents whose kids didn’t like to read — which I think is pretty common — until they encountered these books. All of a sudden, they started loving to read, and then they started liking American history, because this is a unique way of teaching American history.

We use time travel and a talking horse to take a substitute history professor and his students back into time in American history, where they actually are transplanted into the memorable events of American history. It’s a much more fun way to learn about American history, and it also helps remember it. It’s not facts, dates, memorization, or any of that.

You know, storytelling… People that are good storytellers are unique. Good storytelling is compelling. Good storytelling is magnetic, and it’s really a way to captivate people’s attention, because you need that if you’re gonna teach them things. You need them actively participating. So we wanted to try this method of time travel and storytelling as a means of making American history come alive to young people.

‘Cause I tell you, they’re exposed… By the time you get to public, elementary school and then middle school and high school, some of the American history curriculum out there is so far away from what actually happened. In some cases, you can honestly say it’s anti-American history in a way. So I’m glad that you qualified, and I hope that, as your 5-year-old son gets older and gets into an age where he’s able to read and comprehend, I hope he likes ’em.

‘Cause our experience has been that everybody does. It’s been one of the most gratifying things to find. In fact, I’ll tell you something else, Boomer. We’ve had parents tell us that they were reading the books along with their kids and they didn’t know things about American history that are in these books, because of the bastardized way American history ends up being taught in formal and public education.

So the same thing may happen to you.

Anyway, congratulations. I’m glad that you’re one of the lucky winners.


RUSH: By the way, I meant to mention in the phone call with Boomer — and you could hear the excitement. You could hear the thrill and the happiness in Boomer’s voice. We have distributed, now — we’ve sent out — over 10,000 full sets. There are five books in the series. So we’ve sent out 10,000 full sets, Rush Revere Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans, five books in the series.

We always keep a stock back, and we decided, “You know what? The coronavirus is hitting, and people are at home, and homeschooling is ramping up even more than usual.” So we decided to make these sets available, and it was just a random drawing, not really a contest.

We couldn’t satisfy every request. We satisfied as many as possible. We’re waiting on a resupply, because we’re gonna keep doing it as we get more in from the publishing warehouse. So 10,000 full sets have been distributed with more to come. If you didn’t get yours, you’ll be able to try again.

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