New Jersey Police Use ChiCom Drones to Spy on American Citizens

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 20,2020

RUSH: They’re Chinese-made drones, and the data collected by these drones is going back to China, and New Jersey is bragging about it. Well, you want to hear the sound bite? Grab sound bite number 2. This ran on MSNBC, where they’re ecstatic about this. The correspondent is Rehema Ellis, a report about Elizabeth, New Jersey, using drones to monitor its citizens’ social distancing. And you’ll hear the mayor of Elizabeth on this sound bite as well.

ELLIS: Elizabeth, New Jersey, is now using drones to spread the lifesaving message. The mayor hopes the drones message will reinforce the CDC warning to avoid large crowds.

CHRIS BOLLWAGE: Mayors need to be creative. We have to figure out a way to get to people that police cars can’t get to. If these drones save one life, it is clearly worth the activity and the information —

RUSH: It’s not. No, it’s not.

ELLIS: The drones donated by DJI, a Chinese company, have gone to 43 agencies in 22 states, all to help enforce social distancing rules. Authorities say the drones aren’t taking pictures or collecting evidence. It’s a high-tech warning against a deadly virus.

RUSH: Well, then what the hell are they doing? Are people just supposed to, oops, there’s a drone and start behaving? Don’t tell me the drones aren’t collecting data. Then there’s no reason for them to fly if they’re not collecting data. That’s the whole reason for a drone. There’s a camera on every one of them. There are sensors.

Are you telling me that they’re putting these drones up there so that people in Elizabeth, New Jersey, “Oop, oop, look, look Mabel, it’s a drone,” and they’ll stand six feet apart if they weren’t? That’s the sole motivation? Here this reporter is so excited, now using drones to spread the lifesaving message, the mayor hopes that the drones message will reinforce the CDC warning to avoid large crowds.

Mayors need to be creative. We have to figure out a way to get to people. The police cars can’t, we gotta find a way to get in your home. We gotta find a way to find out what you’re doing when you’re hiding from us. And police cars can’t get in your house. So we’ll have drone fly. Maybe there are heat sensors they can tell who’s who in your home and where you are in your home because of the heat signature.

The data is being sent back to the ChiComs. The drones, donated by a Chinese company, have gone to 43 agencies in 22 states to help endorse social distance. This is why, by the way, you can’t say that social distancing is flattening the curve because there’s no way they can prove that you are doing it. They don’t know if you’re staying six feet away from people in your house. They don’t know what you’re doing all the time.

And, damn, do they want to. Oh, do they want to.

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