Guest Host Mark Steyn

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 6,2020

Guest Host Mark Steyn

Apr 6, 2020

Topics Discussed on Today’s Guest-Hosted Excursion into Broadcast Excellence
  • SteynOnline: The New Spanish Inquisition
  • Townhall: Is What We’re Being Told About The Coronavirus Pandemic Wrong? – Derek Hunter
  • FOXNews: WHO director faces calls for resignation over handling of coronavirus, China
  • AFP: US braced for historic blow, as virus lands British PM in hospital
  • Reuters: Italy starts to look ahead to ‘phase two’ as COVID-19 death toll slows
  • LA Times: Joe Biden is stuck in his basement. It just might help him win
  • The Hill: Health experts call for Roosevelt-style programs to kill virus, revive economy
  • New York Post: US coronavirus peak predicted to see over 3,000 deaths in single day
  • Washington Post: Americans hit by economic shocks as confusion, stumbles undermine Trump’s stimulus effort
  • The Hill: Fauci, Navarro got into heated argument over unproven COVID-19 treatment: report
  • New York Times: Ignoring Expert Opinion, Trump Again Promotes Use of Hydroxychloroquine
  • LA Times: Why can’t President Orange Julius be more like Queen Elizabeth?
  • San Francisco Chronicle: SF artist painted a mural of Trump turning into COVID-19. Then the artist got sick
  • The Hill: We have no one to blame for the coronavirus but ourselves
  • The Hill: Schumer names coronavirus czar candidates in plea to White House
  • The Hill: Juan Williams: Governors lead as Trump flounders
  • The Hill: Momentum grows to change medical supply chain from China
  • Politico: Clyburn: House coronavirus panel ‘will be forward-looking,’ not review Trump’s early response
  • AP: With worst to come, 3 in 4 hospitals already facing COVID-19
  • AP: Trump sees limits of presidency in avoiding blame for virus
  • AP: 2020 Watch: Can Trump avoid blame amid deaths, weak economy?
  • AP: Trump tempers officials’ grave assessments with optimism
  • Breitbart: Janet Yellen: Unemployment is Likely Around 13% Right Now
  • Daily Wire: Illegal Immigration Across Southern Border Plunging Because Of Coronavirus
  • NewsBusters: Is the Coronavirus Bigoted? CBS Brings on Far-Left ‘Anti-Racism’ Expert to Find Out
  • National Review: Swedish P.M. Tells Country to Prepare for ‘Thousands’ of Deaths as Pressure Builds to Abandon Lax Coronavirus Response
  • HotAir: IHME Sharply Reduces Projected Hospitalizations As Data Shows NY’s Curve Is Flattening; Update: Deaths In NY Flat, Not Rising; Update: Hospitalizations Down
  • HotAir: New York City Is Facing A “Crime Virus” After The Coronavirus Passes
  • Undocumented anchorman Mark Steyn filled in for Rush. Check out Mark’s Stack of Stuff — and remember, Rush 24/7 Members can enjoy all three hours of this or any broadcast via audio streaming or as a podcast.