
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Todd, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Are you there?

CALLER: Hello, young man!

RUSH: Hey, how are you?

CALLER: Good. My prayers are with you.

RUSH: Thank you. I appreciate that — and, you know, I know it, and I very, very much appreciate it.

CALLER: I just to want tell you, in more than 30 years of listening to you, the most important thing that you taught me — I remember you just mentioned it in passing one day — is that after your father passed away, you called your mother every day. My father passed away in 2014, and every day after that I called my mother, and it’s something I will never regret. She passed away last April. This will be, coming up, the first anniversary of her death. So I just wanted to thank you for all that time and the importance you put on that.

RUSH: Well, you’re more than welcome. I’m flattered. I’m always amazed when I find out what people hear, the things that they hear on this program that resonate and stick with them. I’m always surprised. I remember when I met the cancer doc team and we started talking about various facts, I said, “Well, you know, I host a radio program,” and the guy looked at me like I’m an idiot.

“Of course I know that.”

I said, “I never assume that everybody listens,” and I don’t.

So I’m always fascinated the things people hear, take away. I can sit here and think I have been as profound as ever, and I’ll get zero reaction to it, and then I’ll do a throwaway this or that, and people say, “Man, was that smart! Man, I love that.” So you just never know what people are gonna hear. I just make sure I never phone it in each and every day.

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