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RUSH: The battle of the Blue States is over. At least for now.

It was a David-versus-Goliath matchup, featuring the tiny blue state of Rhode Island against the big blue giant, New York State.

Last week, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo, put restrictions on New York motorists trying to enter her state. State Police were ordered to protect Rhode Island’s borders by pulling cars with New York State tags over, and forcing the potentially COVID19-infected New Yorkers into a two-week quarantine.

New York’s capo, Andrew Cuomo, was livid. He denounced the Rhode Island governor for singling out New Yorkers, and he threatened to sue. Then he called her up and gave her a piece of his mind.

As a result, the Rhode Island Governor rescinded her executive order. New York drivers will no longer be singled out. Instead, every driver from other states, including New York, will be pulled over when they enter Rhode Island.

Raimondo says it’s her job to keep citizens of her state safe, and if Cuomo wants to sue – he can go ahead.

So the battle of the blue states is over. The winner is Gina “David” Raimondo; loser: Andrew “Goliath” Cuomo. Rhode Island is serious about defending its citizens. The big takeaway is: borders matter. Maybe we’ll remember that after this COVID19 crisis ends. And it will end, mark my words.

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