Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Train to Nowhere
RUSH: For years, I've told you this high-speed train is a train to nowhere. It never was a good idea, and it will never be a good idea.
RUSH: For years, I've told you this high-speed train is a train to nowhere. It never was a good idea, and it will never be a good idea.
RUSH: There just is a gigantic cloud of suspicion hanging over all of this, as far as I'm concerned.
RUSH: I'm saying to myself, if I'm Harvey Weinstein, "What the hell did I give the Clintons all that money for? What did it get me?"
RUSH: Do you realize how little of what's happening here makes any logical sense? Joe Biden can't draw flies.
RUSH: I can see the T-shirts. I can see the buttons, the bumper stickers.
RUSH: Here he has a 1 o'clock press conference speech, throwing down the gauntlet using the Drive-By Media, who thought he might concede, to issue a challenge to Biden.
CALLER: We don't really know what the denominator is. I'm a physician and, you know, whenever you're talking about statistics you always gotta know what the denominator is.
RUSH: Who said the coronavirus is a cold virus? Who said that, Mr. Snerdley? I think it might be Mr. Limbaugh who said that.
RUSH: They're burying the lede. That headline is gonna scare people to death. It's an outrageous headline.
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.