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RUSH: Here is Ann in Minnesota. Great to have you on the program. Hi. Welcome.

CALLER: Hi, Rush! Mega dittos. It’s a great honor to talk to you today.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: My question had to do with the prediction you had a couple weeks ago about Trump having to cancel his rallies due to the coronavirus.

RUSH: Oh, yeah.

CALLER: Over the weekend, as I’m sure you know, Jackie Speier said just as much, that he doesn’t care about his supporters if he continues to hold his rallies.

RUSH: Yep!

CALLER: My question is, do they really think that everybody is that stupid? Because they haven’t suggested canceling their primaries or their debates or their early voting where all the voting machines, I’m sure, are germ infested. Now, granted, not as many people show up to their rallies so the risk might not be as high. But I’m just wondering what your thoughts are on that.

RUSH: Well, I think your instincts on that are especially right. Jackie Speier is… I thought I had the Jackie Speier sound bite. When you were on hold here, I was looking for it and I didn’t find it. Is she with ABC?

CALLER: No. She’s in the House of Representatives.

RUSH: Oh, that’s right. She’s a member of Congress.


RUSH: I’m confusing her with Jackie something or other, a former ABC —

CALLER: She was being interviewed by somebody, and I don’t remember which media outlet it was.

RUSH: Yeah, yeah, it doesn’t matter.

CALLER: (giggling)

RUSH: Six of one, half dozen of the other. Doesn’t matter. The network person could just as easily be the member of Congress.

CALLER: Right. Exactly. Yeah, they’re the same thing.

RUSH: Yeah. Well, obviously this is why they’re hyping this is to get Trump to stop the rallies. But let me tell why it is. Let me tell you why it is.


RUSH: They have… Brad Parscale, who is the Trump campaign manager… They record, they categorize everybody at a Trump rally that will participate, and in just like the last five or six Trump rallies, you know how many have been Democrats? It’s 18,000.

CALLER: Well, I can tell you from the rally I went to in Minnesota that that was the case. It was actually 30% at the one I was at.

RUSH: Were Democrats?


RUSH: Democrats out the wazoo are showing up at Trump rallies. This is why they want these rallies stopped. This is why. It’s not because of public safety, not because of public health. Because — as you point out — they’re not making an effort to shut down every other opportunity for people to congregate.

CALLER: Right. So it makes no sense.

RUSH: No, it makes perfect sense.

CALLER: I just think the majority of people… I mean, granted their base won’t, but the majority of people can see through that.

RUSH: Yeah. No, but it makes perfect sense from their standpoint. If you can’t beat Trump and if you want to stop the appearance of excitement about the Trump campaign, then stop the rallies — and if you’re really worried about that so many people attending rallies are actually Democrats, then you’ve really gotta shut ’em down.

CALLER: (chuckling) Yep. Yep.

RUSH: Here. I’ve got a couple of sound bites here — and thank you, Ann, for the phone call. Let’s go to audio sound bite number seven here. This is Rahm Emanuel, who I’ve already shared with you is the latest Democrat to discuss the cornonavirus as an opportunity for the Democrats. So Rahm was on with his buddy George Stephanopoulos. Both of these guys are from the Clinton war room operation. I mean, Rahm Emanuel was Obama’s chief of staff.

Before that, he was a Clinton fundraiser. These people are just incestuous. They’re back and forth. Stephanopoulos ran the war room to go after all the women that were coming forward claiming Clinton had mistreated them, and here they are. They’re talking about the coronavirus and the panic, and Stephanopoulos says, “Rahm, sometimes when people hear, ‘Don’t panic’ from a government leader, they do just that. They go out and panic.”

EMANUEL: Here’s what’s gonna be devastating for Donald Trump. He is not gonna be able to have his rallies. And it is gonna psychologically — the office is isolating enough. And his inability to get the admiration, the adulation from that crowd is gonna psychologically torment him. And his isolation is gonna get more intense, and his tweets are gonna get more vicious.

STEPHANOPOULOS: He hasn’t been willing to give up on the rallies yet.

RUSH: They don’t get this at all. You know, folks, I sit here literally — I have now for four years — in stunned amazement over the inability of the Democrats to understand these rallies. And this comment from Rahm Emanuel informs me of just how ignorant about this they are, and it’s worse than I thought.

These guys actually think these rallies are done for the psychological health of Donald Trump? That’s what they think? And that if these relies ceased, that somehow Donald Trump’s psychological health would plummet because Donald Trump cannot survive without a daily display of thousands of people showing him how much they love and adore him?

These are political professionals whose job it is to try to figure out why their opponents are beating them and to figure out ways to stop that and to beat their opponents, and these people — folks, it’s stunning how far off the mark they remain when it comes to understanding Donald Trump and you, his supporters. They still can’t figure it out.

And you know what the root of it is? In their world, they simply cannot accept or understand that thousands of people independently are deciding to attend these rallies because they want to. They do not seem to grasp or understand the value that people attending the rallies get out of them.

As far as they are concerned, these people show up because Donald Trump needs the encouragement, that Donald Trump needs the psychological reinforcement, and that the people in the audience are just a bunch of props, and they’ve been rounded up and they’ve been told to go to the arena at the appropriate time and make sure you tell Trump how much you love him ’cause Trump can’t survive without you doing that.

I’m literally becoming out of words to describe. This is beyond stupidity. And it is beyond ignorance. This is beyond arrogance. I don’t know how to describe this. Here, listen to this again. This is the most — I think I got these people figured out. I think there’s nobody but nobody who understands liberals and the left better than I. I understand them better than they understand themselves. And this is at an entirely new level that I’m now gonna have to deeply analyze and explain. Listen again.

EMANUEL: Here’s what’s gonna be devastating for Donald Trump. He is not gonna be able to have his rallies. And it is gonna psychologically — the office is isolating enough. And his inability to get the admiration, the adulation from that crowd is gonna psychologically torment him. And his isolation is gonna get more intense, and his tweets are gonna get more vicious.

STEPHANOPOULOS: He hasn’t been willing to give up on the rallies yet.

RUSH: Folks, I honestly, the — let’s just take this. “Here’s what’s gonna be devastating for Donald Trump. He’s not gonna be able to have his rallies.” Yes, he is. He’s not gonna stop them. Who says he can’t do the rallies? They think it’s gonna be automatic he can’t do the rallies ’cause of the coronavirus. Another way they’re attempting to politicize this.

“It’s gonna psychologically — see, the office is isolating enough. His inability to get the admiration, the adulation from that crowd is gonna psychologically torment him.” You guys, Donald Trump loves himself. He adores himself. He admires himself, independently of anybody else. Oh, yeah, he’s like anybody else, he loves people loving him and all that. But you think the guy’s gonna be lost if he can’t do his rallies?

Do you not understand why people are going to these rallies? Do you understand the mind-set of the people? Do you think these are just a bunch of mind numb robots being funneled in there to keep Trump’s psychology healthy and that if those rallies stopped Trump’s psychology is gonna collapse?

I have never seen a professional organization — in this case the Democrat Party — be so divorced from the reality of their own circumstances and existence as to listen to these two blowhards attempt to psychoanalyze Trump and his audience with not even the faintest glimpse or glimmer of understanding of the people who are attending these rallies.

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