Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Burning With Fury
RUSH: Ms. Smarsh, wait until you see the first woman elected president… is a Republican.
RUSH: Ms. Smarsh, wait until you see the first woman elected president… is a Republican.
RUSH: The Drive-By Media wants you to think that this massive stock market plunge is because of the coronavirus. Some of it is, but the vast majority of this has nothing to do with the coronavirus.
RUSH: We've not gotten to this point where a political party will benefit profoundly by happily noting the suffering of its voters.
RUSH: Trump has got to anticipate this. He's gotta anticipate the Democrats are gonna plan to blame him for this. They're gonna try to prolong this.
RUSH: Folks, I sit here literally — I have now for four years — in stunned amazement over the inability of the Democrats to understand these rallies.
RUSH: I'm fascinated by the fact we all know we're gonna die. We all do. And yet throughout the vast majority of our lives it's something that's not gonna happen to us.
RUSH: The Washington Democrat establishment has chosen Biden, and whatever it takes — and we know this is gonna be the case.
RUSH: First Musk and now Yang. And both these guys are big-time Democrats, and they're both idolized by young tech journalists and tech hippies and tech hotshots.
RUSH: I've never been dazzled with all the so-called brilliance and intelligence that we're supposed to think these people have.
RUSH: Let me tell you what the Drive-By Media has been doing for the past half hour.
RUSH: I tell you, I am living rent-free in their heads.
RUSH: I should have alerted you to this way back at the beginning of the year when it all happened. California AB5, Assembly Bill 5.
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.