Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Circus No More
RUSH: Trump has flipped it from a radical leftist court to one that more often rules in favor of the Constitution. Liberals are in shock and that is delicious because elections do have consequences.
RUSH: Trump has flipped it from a radical leftist court to one that more often rules in favor of the Constitution. Liberals are in shock and that is delicious because elections do have consequences.
RUSH: Forget the Russians — at least today — because now the coronavirus is gonna be the end of Trump.
RUSH: I want to convert this into a miniature, brief, little lesson on conservatism versus liberalism, phoniness versus reality.
RUSH: To see me on your giant 65-inch plasma or your flat screen? It has gotta be incomparable.
RUSH: Quick question, ladies and gentlemen. What's the greatest threat to our country, Bernie Sanders or the coronavirus? No, no. I'm serious.
RUSH: Whoever's making him do this needs to really be spanked. Plugs doesn't want to be doing this either. Plugs doesn't have the fire in the belly.
RUSH: Didn't I warn about this? Did I not warn everybody, especially the Democrats about this.
RUSH: He got a question. In fact, he was on with Fredo. That's even better. Two experts in communism!
RUSH: It's gotta be a really fun position to be in, to be watching other people go through what you have conquered and knowing that the fact you have conquered means you can do it again.
THE PRESIDENT: I just don't know how they cannot recuse themselves for anything having to do with Trump or Trump related.
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.