
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: A verdict on three of five counts is in on the Weinstein case. We don’t know what they are yet. Jury deliberations may be continuing. But the jury has reached a verdict on three of the five counts.

This is the rape/sexual abuse trial of the man responsible for the #MeToo movement, Harvey Weinstein of Miramax, and then the Weinstein Company.

We’ll see what happens with this. They’ve been trying to read the tea leaves based on the jurors and their questions for the judge asking for explanations of testimony of some of the witnesses.

But you really don’t know. Weinstein has been doing his part. He has been showing up at court with a walker — showing up, you know, with little blue pills falling out of his pockets, making it look like there’s no way that he could possibly have sexual relations with anybody, including himself. So we’ll see how much of the theatrics work. We’ll be back… (laughing)

Well, I’m sorry, but that’s what it looked like to me! (laughing)

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