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RUSH: Politico says Democrats are “bracing themselves.” They’re afraid that after President Trump loses in November, he will “bungle a smooth handover of power.” He could “sabotage the transition” or he might not even accept the election results and agree to leave.

Fauxcahontas Warren says it won’t be an ordinary transition because she won’t be able to assume good faith cooperation from Trump. A senior Obama official predicts this will be the “most hostile, least professional transition” in our history. Instead of hitting the ground running, the new Democrat President will be “unearthing buried bodies.”

The Democrats worry that Trump’s people will not meet with the incoming team, and that any paper trails left behind won’t be “trustworthy.” Some fear that Trump will “quietly push through last-minute initiatives” to stymie the next administration’s ability to tackle issues like immigration.

Most concerned, reports Politico, are Democrats who deal with national security. They’re worried Trumpsters will lay booby-traps for them and try to hamstring their foreign policy goals, perhaps even with Iran.

As amusing as this is, let me reassure you worried Democrats. Especially you, Fauxcahontas. You’re not going to win. There won’t be a “transition” to a Democrat president in 2020. So rest easy. Your agenda for the next four years is set: to continue to be consumed with hate for Donald Trump! Because that’s all you’re gonna have.

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