CNN Mocks Trump Voters: It’s You and Me They Really Hate

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 28,2020

RUSH: There’s gonna be a lot of focus on the audio sound bites today because there are some really great pieces of gold in it, and I want to start with something that happened. It’s audio sound bite number 1, Mister Broadcast Engineer. I, and many others, have opined over the years that it’s not really Trump that the Washington establishment and the Never Trumpers hate.

It’s you — you who voted for him, you who continue to support him, you who cannot be persuaded to abandon him. It is you they really hate. It is you they really despise. It is you motivating them and inspiring them to try to overturn your election in 2016 because they disapprove of the result because you made it happen. If anybody believes that the Washington government, the Washington establishment, the Democrat Party is looking out for the little guy…

How many of you believe that it’s the Republicans that are the mean-spirited, extremist, rich white guys that don’t care anything about people; it’s the Democrats who have all the compassion, it’s the Democrats who have all the understanding, Democrats looking out for the minorities, Democrats looking out for the downtrodden, Democrats looking out for the homeless and the hungry and the thirsty, Democrats looking out for the disadvantaged, Democrats looking out for all of those who have grievances?

You could not be more wrong. I have a little 45-second sound bite here. This is what this impeachment is all about. It’s what Trump-Russia collusion and that effort was all about. It’s what the Kavanaugh hearings were all about. They hate Trump, but they hate you more. Trump’s gonna come and go — he’s term limited, he can’t serve more than two terms — but you can continue to vote for people like Trump.

You are despised. Last night CNN Tonight with Don Lemon had a discussion about secretary of state Mike Pompeo challenging an NPR reporter to find Ukraine on a map. Pompeo was lied to by the NPR reporter. He was set up twice. She promised him she was not gonna ask him about Ukraine, only Iran, and then she didn’t ask anything about Iran, and then she promised him that any conversation after the interview would be off the record. She lied about both.

Pompeo called her out, demanded that she find Ukraine on a map, and she couldn’t. The NPR reporter pointed to Bangladesh when Pompeo asked her. “You’re asking me all about Ukraine; you don’t even know where it is. Find it for me on the map.” She thought it was where Bangladesh is. So Pompeo kicked her off his airplane because she lied to him twice and set him up in this interview and the interview conversation afterwards.

This is what they’re talking about on CNN last night.

So we have Don Lemon, the host, we have a New York Times contributor named Wajahat Ali, and a Republican strategist named Rick Wilson who just hates Trump. He has hated Trump from 2016 on. Mr. Snerdley, I’m having a tough time remembering who he worked for. Who did Rick…? His name is Rick Wilson. Who did he work for? It was… (interruption) Nah, Chris Christie.

I’m thinking somebody like McCain. Was it McCain that was…? All these guys, they run together. I can’t remember. I should have looked it up. Anyway, he is a Republican strategist. Now I’m gonna have to take a break here and get to despite after the break, but wait ’til you hear it. I mean, you talk…? It’s ridiculing you. It’s making fun of you. It’s a window into how they look at you, folks.


RUSH: Donald Trump in a joint presser right now with Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, announcing a Middle East peace plan. We’ll have details coming up. Okay. Here’s the bite. Rick Wilson and CNN/New York Times contributor Wajahat Ali and Don Lemon, CNN.

WILSON: Donald Trump couldn’t find a Ukraine on a map if you had the letter “U” and a picture of an actual, physical crane next to it.

LEMON: (snickering)

WILSON: This is, you know an administration defined by ignorance of the world.

LEMON: (Snort!) (snickering)

WILSON: And so, that’s partly him playing to their base, and playing to their audience. Uh, you know, the credulous boomer, rube demo that backs Donald Trump that wants to think that —

LEMON: (laughing)

WILSON: — that (stereotypical southern accent) “Donald Trump’s the smart one and they’re all — they’re… Y’all, y’all elitists are dumb.”

LEMON: (guffawing)

ALI: (mocking a Trump voter) “You elitists with your geography, and your maps, and your spelling. Even though my –”

WILSON: “And your math, and your readin’.” (laughing)

LEMON: (laughing)

WILSON: (laughing)

ALI: “Yeah, your reading, you know?”

LEMON: (Snort!)

ALI: “Your geography. Knowing other countries. Sipping your latte.”

LEMON: (guffawing)

WILSON: “All those lines on the map!” (laughing)

LEMON: (guffawing)

ALI: “Only them elitists know where Ukraine is.”

RUSH: Right. The NPR reporter didn’t know where Ukraine is on a map. But Wilson is there imitating a Trump voter who is missing the two front teeth. “Hey, you know what? I tell you what: You elitists, you don’t know nothing. It’s us that we’re… Y’all are dumb! We’re the smart ones. Donald Trump’s smart. Donald Trump’s smarter than all you. You elites don’t know anything.”

So they give away what it is that really bugs them, and they give away. By the way, it was Don Lemon uncontrollably, hysterically laughing in the background. Don Lemon, the guy who once asked Mary Schiavo if a black hole might have swallowed up the Malaysian airliner that was missing, and they’re talking about how (impression) dumb and stupid you Trump voters are on CNN, havin’ the biggest time doing that last night, like Ralph Northam of Virginia.


RUSH: In case you don’t know, Rick Wilson may be the poster boy for Trump Derangement Syndrome. He’s right up there with George Conway, but he’s even more disturbed and upset than Conway is. He has said and he’s posted some of the most vile, obscene things about Trump and his supporters over the years, and if you care to see them, any Google search will turn ’em up. I’ll give an example.

He’s been calling… Rick Wilson has been calling Trump supporters neo-Nazis since the 2016 campaign. In that sound bite, he refers to Trump supporters as “the rube Boomer demographic.” You’re a bunch of rube Baby Boomers, meaning you people are senior citizens now. (impression) “You’re just a bunch of idiot hayseeds out there thinking you’re smarter than all the smart people in Warsh-ington.

“And you got your lines on the map and you got your cranes on the map, and you know where all these things are. You think everybody bunch of dumb hicks, when it’s you who are the dumb hicks!” So they just… If you listen, they’ll tell you exactly what they think of you — and then you’ve got Don Lemon laughing hysterically. Let’s go back. This is March 19, 2014, “CNN Special Report: The Mystery of Flight 370. This is the missing Malaysian airlines flight. Don Lemon is speaking with former Department of Transportation inspector general Mary Schiavo about the missing airliner and had this to say.

LEMON: What if it was something fully that we don’t really understand. A lot of people have been asking about that, about black holes and on and on and on…

RUSH: (impression) “A lot of people… A lot of people have been asking about black holes, Mary! Could that jet have been swallowed up by a black hole?” Boy, did she employ a bunch of grace answering this stupid, fool question. (interruption) Yeah, I know Rick Wilson. He worked for Connie Mack and George H. W. Bush. He also ran Giuliani’s Senate campaign in 2000. But there’s somebody not on that list.

That’s the Wikipedia entry. I went there, and it doesn’t say. It doesn’t matter.


RUSH: I’m gonna start with Aaron in Baltimore. It’s great to have you, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, Maha Rushie, mega dittos.

RUSH: Thank you, sir.

CALLER: I was hoping you could provide your audience with your assessment as to the motivations of Rick Wilson, Pierre Delecto, and the Never Trumpers specifically as to what it is that causes them to talk down to normal Americans with such disdain.

RUSH: Well, I, of course, can answer this. But before I do, I would like to know what you think about it. How do you…? I mean, you’re one of the people being talked down to. So what is your impression, what do you think is the reason for it, and how do you feel when it happens? Does it bother you?

CALLER: It certainly bothers me, and it’s not just him. Specifically the reason I called was ’cause your opening monologue yesterday on Twitter I read author Brad Thor, who’s a conservative-leaning author who is also a Never Trumper list out a series of lies — quote-unquote, “lies” — that the president has stated, everything from Stormy Daniels to the phone call to exaggerating the size of his inauguration crowds.

I guess the main alternate question to this is, do I live in an alternate universe? They challenge my common sense, and you said that in your opening monologue, that you look at it from a common-sense standpoint. I can’t help but fathom the fact that I look at the world and see reality. What is it that these people think that I can’t find Ukraine on a map? It irks me.

RUSH: They can’t explain Trump winning. Don’t doubt me on this. They cannot explain themselves and their candidate losing. This was supposed to be, remember, a slam-dunk establishment victory with Hillary the candidate. So all of these so-called Republican strategists, all these Republicans with their noses out of joint, they would much rather have had Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump — somebody in their own party, somebody implementing policies they supposedly have supported all their lives.

It boils down to the fact that they simply resent that they lost, and they comfort themselves by saying, “Well, a bunch of idiots got together and outnumbered ’em” and that they didn’t really lose and that they weren’t really rejected. It’s just you, a bunch of mind-numbed robots had a bunch of propaganda wired into your brains and you believed it, because you’re a bunch of stupid fool idiots for rejecting them.

It’s all about rejection. It’s all about the fact that they thought they owned this process of who it is that’s gonna run for president and get elected. It’s gonna be somebody from the establishment,. It’s gonna be somebody with a proper pedigree, proper education. It’s gonna be somebody they approve of and know — and it’s gonna be somebody is gonna know his place, or her place, after he or she wins.

If it’s a Republican, he’s gonna know they’re gonna come after him and is gonna have to bend over and let them do whatever they do to try to discredit him. That’s the price for victory. If it’s a Democrat, gonna be celebrated the smartest man ever. But at least it’s gonna be somebody from inside the club. Trump is from outside, and a bunch of people voted for him that they have… The real indication, the real thing to know about this is that large swaths of your own government, Aaron, have never really, quote-unquote, “cared about you.”

Despite their claims, they’ve never really given one iota about you and your life or your future, or they wouldn’t have sold your jobs down the river to foreign countries, or they wouldn’t have made sure he couldn’t afford health care, or they wouldn’t have done a whole bunch of other things and tried to tell you that this is the best you get. In the eight years of Obama, they would not… I mean, they really tried to sell everybody in the idea, “America’s best days are behind us.

“There’s a new era now, an era of decline. America didn’t really deserve all of the riches and success in the past. Now it’s time to pay the piper. Gotta get real. We gotta join the rest of the world. We cannot be bigger and better and smarter than the rest. It’s not fair, it’s not right, particularly when our own founding is unjust and immoral.” They just… I could make this as simple or as complex as I want. But I think it is about rejection and fear. They know Trump’s gonna win again.

They know that they no longer have any kind of a hold over average Americans and their votes, and so that’s why the tendency here among us these people is toward an even more expansive government with more control over decisions that you might make. They want to take as much freedom, liberty away from you as they can get away with. They’re making moves on the Second Amendment in various places. But a lot of these people have just taken it personally.

Even though people voting for Trump, 99.9% of them never heard of Rick Wilson, he’s taking it as though he’s been personally rejected and insulted and is lashing back at people who don’t even know him and don’t even care if he takes his next breath, which also bothers him. Common sense is the enemy of bureaucracies. Common sense is the commune of massively complex organizations and structures that are designed to perpetuate themselves as opposed to solve problems. Anyway, Aaron, I’m glad you called.


RUSH: Now, one thing about Rick Wilson to remember. The guy is a Republican, okay? So he’s out there insulting Republican voters. Now, I, for the life of me… Look, you know, I understand people’s noses out of joint and I understand a bunch of elitists. Elitists never expect to be outsmarted. This is the thing, and they look at this as being outsmarted, although they’ll deny that. “This is the weirdest thing of chance that ever happened, and who could have predicted this? Nobody could have predicted this!”

Well, a lot of people did predict it, and I am one of them — and I think if you go back and look at the record, I was one of the earliest to suggest that Donald Trump is gonna win this and can win this. It was in 2015 that I said that, and as we get into 2016, it became more and more abundantly clear to me. And it didn’t take a college degree in political science, and it didn’t take a lifetime of experience in official political science, think tank situations.

All it required was an understanding of the American people and a pair of eyes and the willingness to admit that what you were seeing was real – -and this is what these people denied. They saw the rallies; they denied it. They saw that Hillary Clinton couldn’t draw flies; they denied that it meant anything. They saw that Hillary Clinton didn’t go to Wisconsin or Michigan or Ohio, and they said it didn’t mean anything.

They saw Donald Trump survive the Access Hollywood video, and it didn’t mean anything to ’em! They saw Donald Trump not only survive the Access Hollywood video, he then puts women Bill Clinton sexually abused in the front row of the final debate, and they didn’t see how that worked. It was right in front of their face that Trump was gonna win and that Hillary and they were gonna get shellacked.

They’re the smart people, and they didn’t see what was right in front of their face. So now guess what? You’re the idiots, and they are the brilliant, smart elitists who were upset by some weird quirk of fate or confluence of circumstances. Look, I posited last week that New Jersey could be in play in 2020, this presidential election year. A lot of people said, “Rush, that’s… That’s really… I mean, I — I — I wouldn’t — I wouldn’t…”

I said, “We won it in 1988 when George H. W. Bush was running as the third term of Ronaldus Magnus. The Republicans won New Jersey in ’88.” There’s a lot of things going on. Trump has a rally in New Jersey. It’s either… Is it tomorrow night? So 150,000 people, 175,000 have applied for tickets in an arena that holds 7,500. People have been lined up for three days to get into this thing, in New Jersey.

Now, the smart people will look at that. “That doesn’t matter,” and what will they say? “Just a bunch of rube Boomers, just a bunch of rube old people, noses out of joint ’cause they don’t like minorities, and they don’t like foreigners and they don’t like immigration and — and — and…” So you are immediately cast aside and discounted. Trump rally’s tonight. Sometimes the days run together.

They’re going by so quickly, as you know, and it didn’t take… Look. Look. I mentioned this last week, folks. Do you remember on June 15th, Trump comes down the escalator? Do you remember what he said about Mexican murderers and rapists and purse snatchers and all? And he got elected. He defied every norm supposedly established in politics, and these people saw it all happen. Meanwhile, there’s Jeb Bush whose Republican establishment spent $100 million and got three delegates, and they still didn’t see what was going on.

They were in utter denial that entire campaign, and they have remained in denial since election night 2016. They have all signed on to whatever efforts have been undertaken to overturn the election and get rid of Trump — and at every turn, they have failed. At every turn! They are a collection of Wile E. Coyotes. So, yeah, they go on CNN and start laughing at you — you, who are living in a rebirth the economy, who are living in a record high stock market with most Americans invested in it one way or another.

A president who’s doing everything they can to slow down illegal immigration and succeeding. Everything’s right in front of their face! They continue to deny it. They continue to resent it. You got to understand these people. These people, in their own minds they are the smartest people in the country — and they have thrown everything they think they’ve got in terms of power at getting rid of Donald Trump. And every one of them has blown up in their faces. And every one of them they think they’re there.

They think they’re there now! They’re actually… I guarantee you what these people are thinking. They are thinking about this Bolton business and with the House managers case, they’re thinking they’re gonna get a conviction in the Senate. You’ve heard the conventional wisdom. “No, Rush. They’re never gonna get a conviction. I mean, that would require 20 Republicans voting with every Democrat to convict — and they don’t have a case.” These people are hoping.

What’s Bolton about if not getting a conviction? What is this demand for witnesses all about if not ultimately getting a conviction? I’m telling you they are trying to get Trump removed from office before this next election, folks — everybody in that establishment — because they know they can’t beat him. They are the ones tampering and meddling in an election. They’re doing it right now, and they’ve been doing it ever since the 2016 election.

They’re the ones that meddled. I don’t care what the hell the Russians did. The Russians didn’t do anything that made any difference. These people literally tried. They tried to rig that election. They rigged it against Crazy Bernie in the Democrat primary, and now they’re trying to overturn that election still while rigging the next one — and in the midst of all this, they’re telling us that Trump is doing this!

The only way Trump is rigging an election is by getting more and more people on his side who are gonna vote for him. That, they can’t control — and they have tried. They’ve tried to separate Trump’s voters from Trump going on four years — and if you count the campaign, it’s six — and they have bombed out at every turn. Every plan that they’ve laid, every plan they’ve implemented, every October Surprise or similar-type surprise they’ve tried has blown up in their face — and you know why, among many other reasons?

Because Trump gets up and goes to work every day and doesn’t get hunkered down responding and defending to everything. He tweets and he gets that out like that, but it hasn’t stopped him from doing his job. So his polling numbers are increasing during all this — and that infuriates them! Can you imagine…? Pretend that you have control over the mainstream media. Just pretend for a moment, because they do.

The Washington establishment, for the most part, has control the mainstream media. In fact, I would say it’s the mainstream media that has become the Washington establishment. I think it’s the mainstream media that’s actually running the Democrat Party. I’ve thought this for a long time. Just imagine, you have control of the mainstream media — you see the evidence of it every day — and they still can’t stop the guy.

So what is there left to do but insult you rubes who refuse to see it their way? This is unprecedented. These people have never, ever been humiliated like this by an outsider. Oh, there may be a couple of instances where an outsider won a House race or a Senate race or something, but nothing on the scale of Donald Trump and the American presidency. Look at all the plants that remain from the Obama administration that have been leaking and lying about Trump since he was inaugurated.

And they still can’t get rid of him! Can you imagine the frustration? Imagine if you had control of the number one weapon to create public opinion, and I couldn’t do it. No matter how much control and no matter how much us you have in wielding that control you do not get the result that you want. But I’ll tell you what, Rick Wilson… I mean, this guy is a Republican. He’s worked for Giuliani. He’s worked for… I still think the guy…

I don’t know. I don’t know why I’m associating his name with McCain. I may be confusing him with others. But at rate, he’s a Republican, and he’s out there insulting Republican voters. Could somebody explain to me the sense in that? You know me; I’m mayor of Realville. I’m Mr. Literal. I am Mr. Common Sense. I think what we’re seeing is these people are not who they have always wanted us to believe they are.

(interruption) What are you…? You’re frowning at me in there, Mr. Sner… (interruption) Mmm-hmm. (interruption) Well, Mr. Snerdley, the Official Program Observer, just said, “Ah, a lot of these Republican consultants never cared about the voter. They always cared about the money.” Well, yeah. They all care about it. Everybody cares about money. But not caring about the voters? I know what you mean. They care about the voters as far as it takes to get them to vote your way, but after that to hell with ’em.

After that, to hell with what they want. After that, to hell with what they’re upset about. As long as you get ’em to vote for your candidate, mission accomplished and the next four years you’ll start paying attention to ’em again, or the next two years. But that’s the thing. Trump is outsmarting or outmaneuvering all of these gigantic brains, all of these multifaceted, vastly experienced types, and they’re just having fits.


RUSH: I got an email that I want to share with you. “Hey, Rush. That clip that you played from…” In fact, grab that. It’s audio sound bite number 1. Just to refresh your memory who this is, this is Don Lemon hosting on CNN. This is Saturday night when it actually happened. This happened on Saturday. It took a couple days for this to be found, because nobody watches CNN anymore.

He had Republican — Republican — adviser and consultant Rick Wilson and a New York Times contributor Wajahat Ali. So you have Wajahat Ali, Don Lemon, and Republican strategist Rick Wilson, and they are commenting on the fact that Mike Pompeo kicked an NPR reporter off of his plane for lying to him, and they just think that’s horrible.

This is what happened. These people are laughing at you, they’re mocking you. Yo’ure a bunch of bunch of Boomer rubes, the Boomer rube demographic. You’re hayseeds, you’re hicks, you’re idiots, and you think you’re smarter than the real smart people in Washington.

WILSON: Donald Trump couldn’t find a Ukraine on a map if you had the letter “U” and a picture of an actual, physical crane next to it.

LEMON: (snickering)

WILSON: This is, you know an administration defined by ignorance of the world.

LEMON: (Snort!) (snickering)

WILSON: And so, that’s partly him playing to their base, and playing to their audience. Uh, you know, the credulous boomer, rube demo that backs Donald Trump that wants to think that —

LEMON: (laughing)

WILSON: — that (stereotypical southern accent) “Donald Trump’s the smart one and they’re all — they’re… Y’all, y’all elitists are dumb.”

LEMON: (guffawing)

ALI: (mocking a Trump voter) “You elitists with your geography, and your maps, and your spelling. Even though my –”

WILSON: “And your math, and your readin’.” (laughing)

LEMON: (laughing)

WILSON: (laughing)

ALI: “Yeah, your reading, you know?”

LEMON: (Snort!)

ALI: “Your geography. Knowing other countries. Sipping your latte.”

LEMON: (guffawing)

WILSON: “All those lines on the map!” (laughing)

LEMON: (guffawing)

ALI: “Only them elitists know where Ukraine is.”

RUSH: So Don Lemon is there laughing hysterically, uncontrollably in the background. He even had to pull out a handkerchief to dry his eyes. So I get an email. “Dear Mr. Limbaugh: What a bunch of jerks, Don Lemon, Rick Wilson and that New York Times dweeb. They don’t seem to realize that they are mocking the people who manufacture and repair their cars, fly the airplanes that they travel in, operate on them in the hospital and put in their IVs, cook and serve their food in restaurants.

“They don’t realize they’re mocking and laughing at and making fun of the people who protect them from criminals, who are teaching their kids, who drive their Ubers, who are defending us in the military around the world — who clean the snow off of their pristine, elitist streets — who make their adult beverages at the bar, who maintain the electrical grid so they’ve got power in their homes and on and on and on.”

It’s a good point.

They’re making fun of the people who make America work because they voted for Trump — and one of these clowns is a Republican strategist making fun of Republican voters! Can you imagine the next time this guy gets a candidate, somebody hires him to go get ’em elected. A Republican maybe running for Senate, running for the House, whatever, hires Rick Wilson, and this is on the record? This is the guy that’s gonna tell a Republican candidate what he needs to do to get Republican votes?

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